The Fight..

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( (Y/N)'s POV )

I looked behind me to see Claude's angry face looking at Carmen, he held me tight with his hand. "So..Carmen you seem to be giving my Sensei some trouble." Carmen flinched a little and backed away slowly, "Claude..look I like her and there is nothing you can do to change that."

I could've sworn I heard Claude growl, he then lifted me up and carried me in his arms like a bride. I blushed hard as he glared at Carmen, he then carried me away leaving Carmen to stand there alone..

People would stare at me and Claude as he stomped his way up to..his room it seemed. He opened the door with a kick and threw me on his bed. He continued to growl as he said, "I can't believe that you actually went looking for him. I mean how can you trust that guy! From the moment I saw the two of you in the alleyway I already knew that he was suspicious!"

I sighed and stood up and looked at him straight in the face, "Claude I am sure that he isn't what you think he is! He's just a student who somehow has feelings for me!" He hit his hand on his forehead, "EXACTLY! How can this guy like you if you've never seen him before?!" I then felt angry at him.

"CLAUDE JUST SHUT UP! YOU WOULDN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT ANYWAY! ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOURSELF!" I stopped and covered my mouth realizing what I said. Claude looked at me with surprise in his eyes, I began to cry as I ran out of his room and slammed the door shut. I continued to run down the hall until I stopped near the stairs and began to cry, how could I have been so rude...

All Claude did was care about my could I yell at him? I continued to cry till I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked up and then saw nothing..everything just went black..

(Claude's POV)

I sighed as (Y/N) ran out of the room with tears in her eyes, I was such an idiot. I then ran after her but before I knew it she was gone... 


I walked to class feeling terrible, yesterday's event still stuck in my head. I knew that (Y/N) was going to be in class so there was no way I could avoid I had to tell her..sorry. As I walked into class however everyone seemed to be worried, "What's the matter?" I asked Hilda. She turned to me, "It's about Sensei..apparently she went missing yesterday.." My heart stopped beating my eyes opened wide as I looked at Hilda longer.

"R-Really?!" She nodded, I couldn't breathe..she went missing and it was yesterday?! Carmen came to mind, that weird feeling I had around him returned..and his eyes..clouded with darkness..

I was about to run out of the classroom until Lady Reha came in with Seteth, "Hello Yellow Deer you have already been told your teacher has gone missing. So we would like you all to help us look for her, for now however you will be with the Blue Lions till she is found." and with that she walked out, Seteth lead us to the Blue Lions class and talked with Hanneman who was their current professor about the problem.

We all sat in seats that we chose, Dimitri waved me over to sit with him so I ended up doing just that. I covered my face so Dimitri couldn't see my face...was it my fault that she went missing? Cause I yelled at her and she ran away so she didn't need to see me again? Seteth was about to leave the classroom when a loud scream was heard from outside.

We all stood up and ran to the doorway, I looked up and felt fear fill my insides. (Y/N) was hanging from the tallest building in the Monastery tied up, she had cuts all over her face and body.

Then Carmen was standing there laughing he had what seemed to be a knife in his hand, and he was holding a part of the string that was holding (Y/N) up. He looked down at Lady Reha, "HAHAHAHAH! If you wish for your precious teacher to live you'll give me what I want immediately!" he screamed looking down at us, I felt anger heat up inside me.

"You son of a bitch! Let her go!" I yelled at him he looked down at me and smiled, "Ah, hello Claude. Sorry to say I won't not unless you give me what I want." Lady Reha walked next to me and looked up at Carmen, "What..what is it that you want?" Carmen smiled and lifted (Y/N) back up and put the knife to her neck.

"I want all the gold in this castle as well as your finest weapons on a carriage for me." He smiled as (Y/N) began to cry she looked down at me and it made me feel lose her. Lady Reha was about to speak but then I walked in front of her looking at Carmen, "Fine then..we'll give it to you. However you give the teacher first." I said looking to my right, there seemed to be a bow with 2 arrows tied up in a satchel near Dimitri. I looked him in the eyes, and he turned to where I was looking he nodded and began to slowly walk towards it.

"HA! As if, give me everything that I need first then the girl will be yours." he held (Y/N) tighter which made her start to tear up, I growled and lifted up my hands. "Fine, but why don't you come down so we can give you what you want." I turned to see Dimitri, the bow and arrows in his hand ready.

"Teh, sure however I need to know that you're not lying so you best hurry before this woman will be nothing but dead." Then as he turned for a quick second, Dimitri threw me the bow and arrows and I quickly aimed at Carmen and shot. The arrow hit him in his chest next to (Y/N)'s face and he yelled with pain letting go of (Y/N). He looked at her and was about to strike her till she jumped off falling down, I ran over to where she was falling and luckily caught her right before her landing.

She looked at me and smiled, as I placed her down she pulled me into a hug. I looked up to see Carmen holding his chest from the arrow I shot, his body then fell on the balcony. The guards began to run up the stairs to retrieve his body.

I looked at (Y/N) and smiled happy that she was okay, she looked at me and said, "C-Claude i'm sorry that I yelled at you-I-I shouldn't have-" but before she finished I kissed her softly on the lips making her jump. I slowly pulled away from her and smiled, "No..i'm sorry.." she was about to say something till Lady Reha came by, "(Y/N) I am so glad that you're okay, but we should take you to the infirmary you have plenty of cuts everywhere."

She then took (Y/N) away sending her to the infirmary, I smiled as I touched my lips. (Y/N)'s soft tender lips came to mind...


(Sorry if this was wasn't too good..but hey I really work hard. Again I commented in the chapter before this about Carmen, but if you didn't read it i'll say it again. The Carmen in this story isn't related to the Carmen in my Dimitri story. Just a reminder, and again don't feel afraid to comment on my work so I know how to improve. Also chapters might be a little late these next few weeks cause school is getting to me. Well i'll see you next chapter and thank you for reading!!)

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