Her Life...

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(Claude's POV)

The teachers began to investigate the room searching for clues to find out more about (Y/N)'s disappearance. But they had confirmed that the blood was hers....I waited outside her room while the staff continued to look for clues.

I felt mad at myself...it was my fault that she ran back to her room...my fault that she got caught.....

"Claude, we will continue searching but I want you to get some rest." Hanneman-Sensei said to me. I protested but he refused to let me stay, so I ended up just going to my room. I laid on my bed and looked up at the ceiling...(Y/N) is gone now...because of me.

I didn't want to sleep so I stood up and decided to walk around campus, it was around the afternoon. Students were walking back up to their dormitories, the campus was beginning to become deserted, and the teachers weren't found anywhere.. 

Probably still in (Y/N)'s room.....

I sighed and turned around and began walking back to my room. But then I noticed something near the bushes by the courtyard. I walked over to see.....a jacket..(Y/N)'s jacket! I noticed that some faint dry blood marks were on the grass, but you could barely see them. I followed the blood stains to the gate of the monastery, until it stopped.

I looked around frantically trying to fins another clue, then I noticed some hoof print in the dirt going into the forest. I turned to see a guard holding on to the reins of his horse, I quickly yanked it out of his hands and began to ride down the hill, following the hoof prints.

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" the guard yelled but I didn't listen, I just kept riding hoping that I would find (Y/N)....

( (Y/N)'s POV )

I opened my eyes slightly to see a whole bunch of...glass jars everywhere. I lifted my self up only to feel a stinging pain in my arm. I looked down to see the cut I got all puffy and dried with blood. I ripped off a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around my arm, I then stood up and tried to look around for a way out of this place."

"Sorry to say that there is no way out." 

I turned to see a man with a evil smile on his face. He had a black beard, dark brown eyes that were filled with hunger, and a tall build. "You must be (Y/N) the new teacher at the stupid monastery. Lady Reha should come around looking for you, then i'll kill her when I get the chance." he smiled. 

"Sure you pig, Lady Reha wouldn't lose to someone like you." the man's eyes filled with rage, he walked over to me and gripped me hard on cut. I groaned in pain from the sudden impact, "Well now pretty, don't get ahead of yourself. You have no idea who Lady Reha really is." he looked me up and down like he was the hunter and I his prey. He then slowly brought his hand up into my shirt, "Y-YOU ANIMAL!" I screamed.

I tried to push him off but the grip he had on my arm was too much, he then began to lick my neck. I tried and tried but he wouldn't budge, I began to cry as he began to lift my shirt completely off. Here I am..a professor getting raped by a criminal.

I was about to scream until the door flew open, then there to my relief was Claude...

"(Y/N)!" he yelled as he jumped off the horse and pulled out a sword. "Let her go," he said to the man in a tone that I have never heard before. The man chuckled and threw me on the side, "Please, what could a royal like you do to-," but before he could finish Claude jabbed him with the back of his sword pushing him backwards. I quickly ran over to Claude, "Claude!" I yelled with joy.

He took off his jacket an wrapped it around me, "You will pay for messing with me." he said. The man smiled and grabbed a sword, "No you will." the two of them then began to fight. But all I could do was watch.

Then Claude jumped up onto the roof and kicked the man down to the ground, then he stabbed the man in the chest with his sword. The man was gasping...knowing he was about to die. He looked at me and Claude and laughed.

"Idiots...you're all idiots. Lady Reha is nothing but a lie...." the life in his eyes disappeared..the man had died. Claude turned around and ran towards me, he pulled me into his arms and began to cry.  "(Y/N)..I am so sorry...are you alright?" I nodded and kissed him on the lips.  "Come on...let's go." I said standing up. As we were walking back I couldn't help but think about what the man had said...

"....Lady Reha is nothing but a lie....."

I shivered at the thought of Lady Reha..killing thousands of innocent people..I knew that it wasn't true...



(Here you guys go! I am sorry about the cliff hanger but here you go! Thank you for reading my work and I hope that you will read the next chapter BYYEEEE!)

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