~|Leaf - 2|~

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Hey ya!
Second chapter of True Love is here!
Enjoy reading!
Thank you!


I still remember the day, when I first met him. It was a beautiful day, after all. I was enjoying my summer vacation, playing and watching movies.

****Flashback begins****

It was a Sunday, and I was waiting for my best friend to come over. She has promised me to be with me, to play games.

She is always with you! Duh!!!

I just roll my eyes at my conscience. She is my best friend, and she will be with me.

So, what?

Whatever! Give some importance to me as well.

I scoffed mentally.

"Hi aunty" my best friend aka Priya chirped and sat beside me in the couch in my living room.

After talking for few minutes with my mom, we hurriedly took steps towards my cozy bedroom. We played video games together for half an hour.

It was fun playing and defeating her. As always she just smiled at me.

"Kids, now come downstairs to have snacks. It's your both's favourite." My mom paused from shouting. "Niki, I hope you heard me." I heard my mom, shouting on top of her voice from the kitchen.

We giggled and switched off the game and television.

Running downstairs, we both made our way towards dining, when a strong spicy flavor hit our nostrils, our mouth immediately started watering.


So, my mom was making mouth watering samosa chaat.

Yummie! even, i get to taste it.

Yeah yeah!

Two plates filled with Samosa chaat were placed infront of us. It was calling us to, get it digged.

I licked my lips, seeing it.

We sat opposite to eachother and started to dig it with our spoon. It was really good. The spicy flavor of the chaat makes it even more delicious.

I love this samosa chaat. I can eat it whenever I get. Doesn't have to do anything with evening time.

You eat anything to everything, duh!

I just rolled my eyes mentally.

"Priya, when is your dad coming?" My mom asked, while bringing two glass of water from the kitchen and settled herself beside me.

"Next week aunty." Priya replied, scooping up a spoon full of chaat and savoring it in a slow motion.

"Okay, once he comes, let me know. Niki's father has asked me to enquire about it." My mom said nonchalantly.

I paused, from eating and looked at my mom in confusion.

I was thinking, why would my dad want to meet and what's there to do with my best friend's dad. Are they planning something behind our back? Or are they really sending us off to some strict boarding school?

Oh God, no. It can't be.

I will miss mom made food.

I second that.

What to do? Should I ask her directly?

After contemplating, whether to ask or whether not to ask, I finally made up my mind to go with earlier.

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