~|Leaf - 3|~

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Hey, hello
Here is the third chapter of the True Love.

Enjoy reading!!!
Thank you.


Flashback ends....

Where Nikitha was recalling, the day when she met HIM for the first time and how it was embarrassing to get caught before her best friend.

Story continues:

A teeny-weeny crush maybe.

Hey, please don't say this to anyone.

It is not like I mind. But my family minds it. Well, what can I say. They are the most orthodox people I have come across. Even if we are living in this 21st century they believe in same religion same caste and creed system.

So, I already know my marriage will be an arranged. That's the main reason I don't look into guys in that way. Cause I value my family's happiness more than mine.

Why to break my heart unnecessarily when it will be broken in first place if I lead any one of them!

To be honest, my parents are not against love. They do support it. But the only condition is it must be from same religion atleast.

Now what can I tell?

Love is blind as you all know. And it won't happen like the way we wish.

"Look, he is looking at us." My bestfriend screamed near my ear breaking my ear bones bringing me back from my trance.

"God, what the hell Priya? What's wrong with you?" I yelled at her keeping the water spray in its place.

I rubbed my ears to ease the tinge of pain caused due to my friend's yelling!

"I told you I don't want any unnecessary attention. Then why in the world are you hell bent on doing the opposite?" She giggled at my outburst.

She really test my patience at times.

Oh god, how did she even become my best friend in the first place?"

"I understand. But see yourself for once, he is looking at us. Infact at you!" She said in a serious tone making me look into his direction.

I rolled my eyes at her and murmured 'whatever' under my breath. Since she was compelling me, I turned to the side she was directing me and a gasp escaped from my mouth.

Yes, indeed he was looking at me.

My eyes widened at the realisation.

I was gaping at him, and my breath got hitched, when he suddenly waved at us like a Fan girl as if he has seen some kind of celebrity.

I mentally chuckled at my comparison.

Oh God, this is not good.

Not at all good for me.

I just grasped my best friend's hand stopping her from waving back at him, while she just grinned at me sheepishly.

I gave her a glare to stop it all once.

Yes, that did it!

She turned back to go downstairs muttering or cursing under her breath.

Don't know what it was!

Pheww ...that was close. I could have glared at her long back then.

And God, this girl will be the death of me one day!

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