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Year 2006

Couple of years later, I was enjoying my life to it's maximum as I and my best friend made it to pre-university college and we have joined in an pre engineering course - PCMC.

Everything was going good, until I saw something on the newspaper one day.

It was my exam day and I had exams in the afternoon section. So as I was preparing for the subject, I thought to take a break from it.

There, I saw our newspaper lying on our teepoy in the living room. I marched towards it and started reading the days events and news.

When I reached at the end of the newspaper I saw a familiar photo of someone. I squinted my eyes to look at him properly as the picture was too small for our liking.

After what and whom I saw, i literally gasped and shocked. Sweat beads were formed already on my forehead thinking the piece of information was wrong.

It was an invitation for the 11th day of someone's death. And it was none other than Shahzad's death.

"Oh God, what is this? Last month only I saw him Hale and healthy and I even had a talk with him. Now what's and how is this happened." I thought mentally to myself.

****Flash to one month back****

I was standing near my gate waiting for my best friend, Priya as she asked me to get my CSE notes since she was on sick leave.

Out of no where, someone voice brought me to reality when I was in my own world gazing and talking to the stars!

I know it's bit weird or crazy, but I love every bit of my time talking to stars... It's peace!

"Hey, hi Nikitha!"

I startled and composed myself sooner and turned to the sound of voice and a gasp escaped from my mouth when I saw the person infront of me.

It was HIM after a long time, standing there all smiling at me by folding his arms across his well build chest all in his handsome glory.

I frowned, cause he has become very lean these days.

But also, he is one handsome hulk!

I huffed and facepalmed mentally shooing away the thoughts that was forming.

Maybe maintaining his shape!

"h..hi" I waved my hands at him and cursed mentally for stuttering making me embarrassed infront of him.

"Well, it's been a long time. Right Nikitha?" He asked, leaning against the compound wall near the gate.

My name can't get sweeter more when he recites it from his mouth!

Damn him!
Damn me!


Again this stuttering, urgh!!! what's  wrong with me?

"How are you? And your studies?" He asked casually as if we are best of best friends.

I wondered what got into him. Cause, this is the second time he was talking to me that too after these long years and after that day, he even didn't look at me even for once.

Not that I complain! I had that crush on him!!!

But you called him, as your brother you stupid!

I know, so what I just couldn't let him continue with his ways with me!

I sighed deeply exhaling all the negativity.

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