~|Leaf - 5|~

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Hello guys,
Last chapter of this True Love story.
Enjoy reading and let me know, how it felt.

Thank you!


Well, what to say as it was yet another week. I hate Monday. How would it be if we get a month long vacation now, at the moment?


Stop day dreaming!

I sighed as I pack all my books into my backpack to get ready to school.

Why there is only two days off between Friday and Monday?, Where as we have to pass through 5 long days between Monday and Friday, just to reach the weekend...  That's so not fair!


This is really cruel.

Screw the inventor of the damn calendar!

Yup, screw it!

Checking last time once, on the mirror, I made the way towards the dining hall where my best friend was as usual as gulping down her breakfast.

I had a smile looking at her face. She is a sweet for my life!

What would I do?, Without her!!!

She is my bestest friend since childhood and I would just want to be like this forever.

I love her and she loves me, and we at times are like tom and Jerry, where we always fight, pull eachother's legs and what not. But, we can't stand apart after all the chaos.

"We are we, only when we are together" - my own quote.

"Hey, sister. What are you doing here?" My brother asked me, as soon as he saw me lost, in my trance.

I shake my thoughts away and smiled at him and murmured 'nothing'. He just nodded his head and settle down to have his breakfast.

"Btw, Nikki you know the colony get together function is coming up. Are you planning on something?" Priya asked, all of a sudden.

Yup, the colony get together function is what I always look forward to. But this time, it's different. I don't want to participate, heck I don't even want to attend it.

Is it because of HIM?


You know what I meant! Duh!!!

Something clicked in my mind. I know whom my conscience was referring to.

But, I just tried to ignore her; as usual.

It's not gonna work, uh ha...


I mocked her since she was always pulling my strings.

Since he will be present, I don't think I can participate and be there bearing his presence and he, gawking at me.

No way!

"Nah, I am not sure about this time." I said, taking a slice of bread and started applying butter over it. Priya gaped at me, like she was suddenly out of water.

"What?" I asked irritatedly.

"Nikki, are you sure, you are not sure about it? Cause I can't believe this. As you will be the first one to participate in the singing competition. What happened to you all of a sudden?" See, how she aka my best friend understands me.

Oh God, what should I tell her?

How will I escape from this?

"Uh Priya. It's just that, ha, yeah, I am trying to give others a chance of winning this time. I always win and I don't want to do the same this year. So, yeah. Thats the reason." I stated as a matter of fact and took a bite of my buttered bread.

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