~|Leaf - 4|~

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Halo guys!
Here is the next chapter of True Love,
Hope you will like, vote and comment.
Thank you.


I don't know, if I have mentioned it or not, this story is happened back in 2002 year!


Now, Enjoy reading!


While returning from the school, I was shocked would be an understatement.

Cause, there, that freaking hot guy was blocking our way near our homes.

Oh god, I am about to panic.

Cause if someone sees us like this, he blocking our way, then we are gone for a toss!

A big toss!

"Hey Nikitha" he rolled my name in such a way, that I could give my time to him for listening to it again and again.

Gosh, what am I thinking?

"H..hi" I stuttered, while Priya was gawking at me, the way I stumbled with the words.

"I am Shahzad Ali Hussain" he introduced himself stretching his hand for a hand shake.

I gulped down quickly the lump which was forming in my throat.

I took his palm and shook my hands with him.

God, it felt nice.

His palms are very soft, just like a feather which is unlike mine. I mentally huffed.

"You are beautifully gorgeous." He said, with a genuine smile lingering in his face.

Heat rised to my cheeks turning it to crimson red, just like a riped tomato.

"Thank you" I said, looking down just to hide my blush.

I just blushed hearing his compliment. What's wrong with me? This is not me!

Priya who was standing near by just giggled, and it made me stomp my foot over hers making her shut up.

"And" he started again to which I looked at him curiously. He rubbed his nape looking all cute, but decided not to think about it. I perked, my eyebrows up, so letting him know to continue. "I love you."

A gasp escaped from me and my friend's mouth just like that hearing his bold confession.

Since I didn't say anything, he continued. "I have fallen for you at the very first sight when I saw you that day, infront of the Auto rickshaw I was travelling. I know, you want to say something. But, please listen to me first. I am just confessing my feelings, whatt I feel for you and it's not necessary, to reciprocate just like that. Take your time and please let me know once when you feel the same for me. I shall wait. No issue. And as days passed by, I have fallen deep for your carefree, funny, loving, caring  and positive attitude."

My mouth hung opened, which is now wide as crocodile's! After listening to his long speech. He has noticed me and that too he is correct. I am exactly what he described.

Oh Good gracious! No one has ever told about my personality and now HE, liked my personality.

I still can't believe.

But, I instantly came to my sense and gaped at him.

My friend, Priya pinched me on my elbows to bring me back from the trance.

I narrowed my eyes at her and asked her to shut up and thank God, she understood.

I, then, later started to contemplate thinking the ways, telling him how to stop all this.

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