Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Naruto!" Kushina Uzumaki called from the kitchen, wearing an orange t-shirt and green pants with a white apron that had an orange swirl on the front of it. "You get down here right now and eat your vegetables or so help me!" 

Silence was her answer as a sigh erupted from her mouth, a small smirk on her face. 

"He must've gone to see Minato and his team, what a troublesome boy." She said, shaking her head, throwing the vegetables in the trash as she crossed her arms. "But now what am I supposed to do?" 

"Ew Naruto quit drooling on me!" Obito Uchiha yelled as he held Naruto at a distance, the three-and-a-half-year-old grinning. 

"But it's funny!" He squeaked out. 

"Sensei," Kakashi began, crossing his arms. "I don't understand why you brought your son with you, we're supposed to be training." He complained, rolling his eyes at the sight of the blonde messing with the Uchiha. 

"He snuck out of the house, Kushina's supposed to be watching him!" Minato responded, rubbing the back of his head in an embarrassed manner. 

"I don't care what any of you think!" Rin stated; her chin in the air before grabbing Naruto from Obito and grinning, sparkles in her eyes. "Because Naruto is just the cutest little thing ever!" Naruto grinned before wiggling out of her grasp and falling to the ground, landing on his feet as he sprinted towards Kakashi and jumped into the air, wanting to land on the grey-haired shinobi, only for Kakashi to expertly dodge the child. 

"Sensei, he's gross, don't let him touch me," Kakashi said in a serious tone. 

"Naruto is not gross!" Obito said, defending the three-year-old. "All he does is drool!" 

"Exactly, gross. He reminds me of you, or you remind me of him. Either way is fine." Obito fumed as he began arguing with Kakashi, the two slinging insults back and forth like nobody's business. 

Naruto just watched the two bicker before turning around and looking at his father, who watched his students fight each other with an amused smile on his face. 

"Mommy is going to be mad?" Naruto asked. Minato nodded.

"Mommy is going to be really mad," Minato confirmed. 

"Yeah, Naru-chan, you shouldn't sneak away from me!" A voice came from the behind the miniature blonde. The said blonde froze as he turned around to see his mother, a wicked grin on her face as she peered down at her son. 

"Oh," Was all Naruto could get out before he jumped away from his mother, the woman chasing him as he circled around trees, dodging his mother left and right before hiding behind Obito, who took a hit to the head from Kushina. 

"Owie owie owie owie!" He whined over and over again as he rubbed his head. "Why'd you hit me you old hag?!" 

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN OLD HAG?!" Kushina screamed in return, getting in Obito's face. Lightning sparked between their foreheads while Naruto thought how that was possible. 

It was funny. 

"I'm calling you an old hag you old hag! Your cheeks are already sagging!" Minato, Rin, Kakashi, and Naruto both took several steps away from the two. 

"That's it!" Eight chains sprouted from Kushina's back as they wrapped around Obito, holding the Uchiha upside down. 

The rest of them began laughing at Obito's dilemma as he tried to escape the chains. 

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