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i took the keys out of my pocket
and opened the door for us.


"hell yeah", he whispered. a few seconds later he lifted me up in bridal style and went to my bedroom.

he still knew every single room in my apartment.

"l-laptop?", i asked quietly as he laid me down on my bed. he walked to my shelf, took the laptop and we started the 3 seasons of 13. reasons why.

at first, we both just sat on the bed.

After an episode, felix laid down on his back and I just had to lay down too and cuddle into his arms.

"you're so warm and soft", i muttered and look at him with puppy eyes.

he caressed my head and played with my hair, while we were watching our favorite series.

we already watched the other two seasons when we were bored and couldn't sleep.

and we were still friends at this time.

but i had a crush on him.

two weeks later i lost my virginity on him.

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