chapter fifteen | sour sherbet phoenixes

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Hogwarts, 1978

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Hogwarts, 1978

And for the rest of the year, the situation regarding the death-eaters and their so called Dark Lord only seemed to get more bleak and tedious as more students and their families began to disappear. The wizarding community was divided on whether to simply look the other way and carry on as if muggle witches and wizards weren't being persecuted, or to stand up and form a resistance.

The Ministry of Magic certainly wasn't doing anything, perhaps due to the overwhelming corruption that had been brewing throughout the past decade. Politicians and Aurora alike, seduced by the idea of immense power and superiority, began to distract common folk from the news, pledging new deals and developments while innocent families were binge slaughtered in the name of pure blood.

As for Hogwarts, it was a different story. Students, having been affected immensely by the disappearances of many friends and family, began to become even close together. Numerous muggle clubs and societies were made, with admission fees going to support victims of death eater attacks, intricate little things like muggle dessert day and muggle book and film societies were being celebrated by most of the whole school.

Others chose to band together for more sinister causes. Pupils from even considerably wholesome houses like Hufflepuff began to branch away from the light, to join a growing minority of dark arts groups. They mostly shed away from the joy and the good fortune of the community and chose to help encourage bullying, racism and pure malevolence.

Similarly to Mary Macdonald's assault a few years back, other incidents began to prop up. Little first years finding themselves locked in dark cabinets, anti-muggle slurs etched into desks and yet another attack on a third year boy, who had been found hanging by his ankles by the Astronomy Tower, missing three teeth and a broken rib cage.

As the winter months bled into the reassuring warmth of spring, the killing didn't cease but people's abilities to care seemed to spring up. So on one sunny Saturday morning in the middle of May, Sirius and Mia found themselves being called up to Dumbledore's office.

The couple had been going strong, few fights if any, and a general casual outlook on life. Mia wore her sister Kitty's old coral blue flared bottoms and a denim jacket while Sirius wore his signature leather jacket, a slightly crumpled white shirt and some blue jeans. They had plans in Hogsmeade with Marlene and her new girlfriend Dorcas, before McGonagall stopped them at the gate and asked them to swiftly get to Dumbledore's office.

"What do you think he wants?" Sirius curiously asked his girlfriend, who simply shrugged as she chewed on her bright blue bubblegum. "You gonna spit that out before we go in?"

Mia gave him a look of disbelief. "It's gum, not a gun. It's not like I'm gonna stick it onto his glasses right in front of him." Sirius let out a bark-like laugh before pinching her cheek in endearment. "I'm not five!" She yelped before slapping his arm.

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