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"Good morning, class." Y/N greeted, walking in with a cup of hot cocoa.

"Good morning, Professor." The class responded in a monotone voice.

"We've been over this, guys. Stop making me feel like I'm in more debt, it's Y/N." Y/N chuckled, as Rosé walked in behind her and sat next to her podium. "I want you all to meet Rosé. She's my new TA, so if you guys have any questions about the readings, ask her."

"Hello. I am from Olympus-" Rosé greeted.

"Mount Olympus, in San Francisco!" Y/N covered, opening her binder. "Now, we have a pop quiz today."

The class groaned, making Rosé pout at Y/N.

"That doesn't sound fun." Rosé told her.

"Good thing you don't have to take it." Y/N chuckled, passing it out. But the demigod still pouted.

Y/N's immunity to her was beginning to slowly fall.

"Okay, open notes." Y/N announced, leading to a cheer. "But do NOT expect that for the midterm. Only an index card."

Rosé giggled, as Y/N sat back down next to her.

"You're so demanding." She whispered.

"Not during the QUIZ." Y/N whispered, jokingly shoving her.

Rosé and Y/N have been getting closer lately. They now sleep in the same bed. Y/N took Rosé shopping and bought her a whole new wardrobe. They go out to eat every week, always trying something new. Rosé loves trying new things. Yesterday, she tried avocado toast. She's not a big fan of avocados. But, she's also been learning words and trends- she loves the word 'ridiculous'.

Class ends with a short lecture, with Rosé spilling the beans on certain mythological figures and Y/N casually correcting her. The students exit one by one, asking Rosé for tutoring. She nods and goes along with it.

As soon as the last student leaves, the two head back to Y/N and Jisoo's office, smiling like idiots. As soon as they enter, Jisoo begins smiling.

"All done for the first day, you two?" Jisoo asked at the other desk.

"The children do not read!" Rosé exclaimed. "Do they have a book to read?"

"I know they're sharing copies." Y/N chuckled. "We were going to go out to eat somewhere if you wanted to come."

"Is there chicken?" Jisoo asked.

"Uh, well...it's tacos...so, yeah?"

"Actually, I'm good." Jisoo pulls out her desk drawer, pulling out a full rotisserie chicken from the nearby market.

"Wow. Okay, then." Y/N puts down her briefcase, grabbing her phone and wallet. She reaches her hand out for Rosé to take it, and the two leave as Jisoo unwraps the chicken and begins to dig in.


"So, guac is just mushy avocado dip with spices." Y/N explained, on the line at Chipotle. "And Queso is just melted cheese. Salsa is like ketchup for dipping. And sour cream is fucking nasty."

"I want to try it." Rosé pleaded.

"Fine. Can we get that on the side, please?"

"You have so many condiments on the side." The worker complained.

"This is her first time here." Y/N explained as they got to the end of the line.

"You're holding up the line." The snide man chastised. An irritated Rosé swished her hand when he pressed the register. The total came up to one dollar. The man didn't even bat an eye as Y/N handed him her credit card.

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