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Y/N was scared of a lot of things- hot air balloons, oat milk, and Rosé's Immortal family. When she first met Rosé, she was ready to ask so many questions about all the Gods- especially the ones she hated. But, Rosé is related to all of them. And Y/N is still scared, because she knows that she's going to come face to face with Zeus one day.

She got the courage to ask Rosé about one particular person, however, one day after class at the diner. They were eating grilled cheese and tomato soup, and they just shared a laugh about how a chef squeezed a whole tomato into soup form.

"Have you ever met Hera, Champagne?" Y/N asked, dipping her sandwich into her soup bowl.

Rosé chuckled, as if it was a joke that was no longer funny.

"I have. She doesn't like the Zeus demigods that much- he gets around a lot. I can't tell you how many half-brothers and sisters I have. But, Hera always had a soft spot for me. I was one of the lucky ones. She said I was the daughter she wishes that she had."

"Doesn't she have four daughters?"

"They're all kind of self-absorbed. And Ares is insane, and Hephaestus is nice but he's no use in Zeus's eyes. Which is a shame because he's so talented." Rosé sighed. "I couldn't tell you how many siblings I have, but I can tell you which ones she hates."

"That's so interesting." Y/N mused. "And to think I ended up with the most powerful one."

"I'm not-"

"Rosé, think about it." Y/N began. "Apollo can't do what you do. Artemis can't do what you do. EVEN ZEUS CAN'T FIGURE OUT YOUR POWERS! You're clearly the most powerful. And that's a little dangerous, sure- but imagine how you can use that gift for good. All the Gods think they're higher than Mortals. We could be the thing that convinces them that we're all the same." Y/N grabbed her hand across the table. "We already have the twins on our side, and Eros."

"Eros is still a god-in-training." Rosé confessed. "He has to prove himself just as much as we do. And Jisoo had to teach me how to use my powers. Isn't that pathetic?"

"Absolutely not!" Y/N remarked. "There's nothing bad about learning or getting help. Nobody was going to on Olympus! Who taught you to think that way?"

"Father." The demigod confessed, looking through the jukebox on the side of the table.

"Hey. It's just us now." Y/N comforted. "No Gods. No Ryujin. Just us. We gotta start looking forward. Now, I have a surprise for you."

Y/N and Rosé drove back home to see a present sitting on the kitchen table. Labros jumped on the couch as she sat down and slowly unwrapped it.

"It's...a tiny screen?" Rosé guessed.

"No, it's a phone." Y/N chuckled. "Well, it's a phone covered in rubber. So you don't break it. Or shock yourself. Or shock someone else. I just wanted you to have a little slice of freedom, since you've been working so hard with your powers. I just want you to know that you can be whoever you'd like to be. And I'll support it. You're my half-person."

Both of them began to lean in, but then a knock was heard at the door. Rosé went to go get it, but as soon as she did a woman walked in. She was wearing what looked like a dress made out of peacock feathers.

"Roseanne, we need to talk." The woman entered dramatically, looking at Y/N. "Wait, who's this?"

"Hera, this is Y/N." Rosé gestured. "My soulmate."

"Oh. A mortal. Now I understand." Hera walked in with a stride, sitting with her legs crossed on the loveseat.

"Lady Hera, it is an honor to have you here." Y/N was trying hard not to freak out. "You are an icon to female mythologists all over the world, something of a feminist icon."

"I guess so, if you count hating men and women equally feminism." Hera checked her nails. "Roseanne, I have to tell you a big secret Daddy has been keeping from you."

"Another one?" Rosé laughed. "What is it now?"

"Long story short, he told us that in order to permanently vanish Kronos, he had to gamble his immortality. And since Kronos has been irritable for the past few centuries, I heard him talking in his sleep that his immortality will wear out in a few decades. Soon, we really will be just myths." Hera sighed. "Which brings me to my next point- he put down his heir as you or Ares. I'm here to convince you to be on your best behavior to get that clown as far away from the throne as possible."

"Isn't he your son?" Y/N asked.

"He is an IDIOT!" Hera screeched. "Nobody else wanted to be listed as an heir for him. Except my son! You know what he'd do as King of The Gods? He'd start World War 3! And 4! And 5, all before breakfast!"

"It's going to be hard to get on Father's good side, Hera." Rosé sighed. "He doesn't like that I'm with Y/N."

"He's full of shit. Need I remind you how many women he's cheated on me with?" Hera laughed. "He doesn't mean it. And if he does, if he really does, I'll put a stop to this."

"He already tried to destroy us, and Ryujin. Lady Hera, we're desperate." Y/N pleaded.

"Very well. As you both know, I am the Goddess of Marriage-"

"MARRIAGE?" Y/N and Rosé blurted out together, looking wary at each other.

"Hera, Mortals need money to get married." Rosé explained. "It is not as simple as it is on Olympus."

"The way I see it is that it's your only way out. Something that really makes a statement." Hera smiled. "That dirty bastard won't know what's coming to him."

"My parents will not let me get married automatically after I graduate, Lady Hera. Perhaps you could talk some sense into your husband." Y/N kept thinking about her empty wallet.

"I'm just saying." Hera suggested. "Look, I hate a lot of Zeus's other kids, but I don't hate Roseanne. She's just misunderstood, you know? Like me during happy hour. And I'm willing to put my faith into a demigod-mortal couple rather than my lousy husband."

"Yeah...he's also your brother right?" Y/N asked, which made Hera shoot a deadly glare at her. "Jeez, fine! I'm sorry for asking!"

"Roseanne, call me when you two would like to get hitched." Hera said, getting up and walking towards the door. "And by the way, you know more about yourself than you think you do."

Hera, without saying goodbye, walked out of the apartment. Rosé's mouth hung wide open, and Y/N was so tense she got up and started doing the dishes.

"Married?! I have to get married? To you?!" Y/N thought out loud.

"It's not a bad thing. I mean, we do everything together." Rosé offered, coming to help dry the plates and bowls.

"My parents haven't even met you yet, Champagne. And Hera is telling us that the only way we can be together is to get married. You know about the wedding industry here on Earth. People spend a fortune on those!" Y/N rambled.

"Are you forgetting that half of my family are Gods?"

"That want us to not be dating? Oh, how could I forget!" Y/N shut the faucet off. "I love you, but I need to put my work first."

"Would you say the same thing to Ryujin?" Rosé asked, crossing her arms like she would see couples on TV do when they fought.

"Ryujin and I were never this serious, okay?" Y/N admitted. "We lived together, we'd kiss and stuff, but it was clear to me from the moment she got here that she was looking for something else! Just like everyone else should be."

Rosé took one of Labros's dog toys and threw it at the girl.

"Ow! What was that for?" Y/N held her head.

"I am meant to be with YOU, Y/N. I don't get someone else. I don't want someone else. I love you! You're a little crazy, but I want to do this!" Rosé monologued. "Come on, we got this! You and me."

"When did you get so enthusiastic about being in love and saving the world?" Y/N asked.

"Well, since I realized that I'm not alone anymore in learning about my powers, I have been a lot happier." Rosé smiled. "I love you. And I'm willing to do anything for you."

"Even get married?"

"Maybe." Rosé winked. 

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