My Hopeless, Pointless Rant That I Guess Is Important

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Can we appreciate the level of respect my mom has for me......

Which is none, I was watching 13 reasons why and she walks into my room and is like what's going on and whatre you watching and I'm like this show.

I told her I only watched clips and different pieces of it and she doesnt wnat me to watch all this depressing stuff

INsTead wHy dOnT yoU sTuDY FOr tHe sHSaT TIll 10:30

*folds hands*


I spent a whole freaking month over the summer in an shsat program that taught me literally nothing so now I only have a month left.

We went on vacation to Jamaica.

Before all of those I spent another 2 weeks doing my school hw alone.

And now you wnat me to study, give me 2 weeks without you pestering me to study

Like okay you wnat good for me but if every second you're going to insult me because I spend only an hour a day going over shit in this fucking book instead of dedicating my whole fucking life and future to this test you must be fucking insane

I'm so done with my families bullshit, I really should've ran away when I had the chance since suicide isnt really an option anymore for me

My family is such a toxic community where all they do is insult each other, my mom made a joke about hanging yourself when she knows I tried to.

I've attempted suicide 3 fucking times and she doesnt have the decency to not use suicide as a fucking joke.

For christ sake when she found out she cried for hours and fucking yelled at me finding every way to make me guilty for what i did to the family.

"Now what am I gonna tell everyone about my daughter"

JFC, are you insane? You're always telling me this bs on how to never tell anyone about half the shit that happened in my family and now you're planning on fucking announcing it- like logic you there?

Clearly not

My mom was mad at me cause I attempted suicide 3 times almost 4 because of her.

That whole time she was crying and yelling she was trying to make me feel guilty. Did I?

Nope, probably because maybe I couldve spared myself the worry of you finding out and yelling at me if it worked.

Can someone explain this logic please?

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