My New Lams Fanfiction

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What is up hot DIGGITY figs (I meant to type dogs but we are just gonna leave that there)

Anyway, you probably dont give a single shit but I'm starting a lams fanfciton tomorrow, it will be updated every Thursday unless I say otherwise. I have 3 weeks worth of chapters done, working on the fourth.

The name of the book is Homeless and the idea is 100% original so no need to worry about my copying anyone. And I ligit started this Sunday so this is going well.

The art contest ends Friday, at 4:30 PM  the winner will be announced. That book is called How Deep and the book will be put up the following Thursday. This will be updated every 2 weeks unless I say otherwise simply because this book requires a lot more substance to the plot and stuff because these are actual scientific facts and I'm doing my research. I could make up a bunch of shit but no, I'm doing my best for this one.

Once I finish Homeless then another lams fanfic will come out and I have yet to decided which one. Unless the mini fanfiction that's also lams that I've been working on decides to come out while I writing these 2.

Yes this is what I have been working on for the past month, it's been a very active summer my friends.

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