Chapter Eighteen

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Barefoot and self-conscious in my board-shorts and bikini top, I pad through the boy’s kitchen and out onto the freezing wooden deck. The tub is steaming away nicely, which is a blessing because it’s minus 18C and my skin instantly prickles with a thousand goose-bumps. Dan is already slumped in the corner with his eyes half open, looking stoned and happy, a fat joint in one hand and a cold beer in the other as the bubbles surge around his bare chest.

‘You’re a-a- ha-ha-ha ppy campppper.’ I stutter, putting my towel on the side as my teeth start chattering ten to the dozen. I’m eager to warm up in the steaming water, feeling cold and awkward in my bikini.

‘Feeling better?’ he asks, as I dip a toe in.

‘J-j-jesus! It’s hot!’ I exclaim, my skin tingling as I submerge my pasty body. It’s painful for a second before my body temperature adjusts and then it’s like heaven.

‘Much better now.’ I sigh contentedly. ‘Sorry about my weepy fit earlier.’

‘Don’t even worry about it, love.’

‘Evie and Sam cheered me up no end.’ I explain, having called Evie at her dad’s house and got passed around the entire Cotton household before managing to have a long chat with her on speakerphone, squabbling with Sam over who got to speak to me first. They were both incredibly jealous when I told them about all the snow we’d had. Sam even threatened to get on the next flight but I know he’s got the shop to think about, plus his trip to see Joe.

Oh. My. God. It is seriously cold out here!’ Taz yelps, throwing her towel onto the side and hopping from foot to foot in her bikini. Her tanned skin looks much paler in the moonlight as she raises a leg over the side and jumps in next to me with a loud splash. ‘Ahhhhh, that feels so good!’

‘Come on, Trav.’ She laughs, looking behind her. ‘You’ll catch your death standing there in your cozzie, hon.’

Travis grins at us and runs out into the middle of the yard, before dropping to the ground and making a snow angel in nothing but his board-shorts.

‘Travis! You’re mental!’ I yell.

‘You’ll catch your death!’ Taz adds, looking back at me and making a ‘he’s crazy’ gesture with her fingers. He runs back and almost dives into the tub, covering us all with hot water. Heaving his heavily tattooed arm over the side, he grabs some beers out of the mound of snow at the side, handing one to each of us.

‘Man, that was cold!’ he shivers.

‘No shit!’ Taz grins, giving him a quick kiss. ‘If you think I’m doing that you can think again!’

The bubbles and the beer make me feel tingly inside as we clink our bottles together. I settle back, letting the jets do their work on my muscles as the water froths around us.

‘Look who I found outside.’ Tim says, appearing from the side of the house, followed by Aaron.

‘Hey buddy! Happy Christmas!’ Dan exclaims, giving him a wet handshake. ‘Come and join us? We’ve been in here for hours.’

‘Hi folks.’ Aaron waves. He bends over and gives Taz a quick kiss on the cheek and knocks fists with Travis. Before I know it, he’s next to me and I’m offering him a damp cheek. ‘Merry Christmas, Lexie.’ He murmurs, giving me a quick peck. His lips seem to leave a cold burn on my skin as I smile up at him.

Merry Christmas!’ I reply, feeling the goose-bumps come back. ‘How was your day?’

He runs a hand through his hair. ‘Yeah, it was fine. Had to work this year, but hey…’

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