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‘I can’t believe you talked me into this… I’m actually climbing a bloody mountain.’ I pant, rivulets of sweat running down my face. I bet I look about as attractive as a dishcloth.

‘C’mon, slowcoach!’

The sight of Aaron’s incredible calf muscles pumping up the hill in front of me is doing nothing for my composure, let alone my blood pressure. Why did I think that hiking the mountain range I can see from our bedroom window was a good idea? It looks very beautiful in the sunset, but my thighs are so not going to thank me tomorrow.

‘Phew…’ I groan, bending down to tighten up the laces of my hiking boots and wondering if I procrastinate any more, he might let me have a rest.

‘You wanted to see the view. Come on, it’s worth it!’ he shouts, grinning down at me from further up the rocky path. I grit my teeth and slowly walk up to meet him, taking it step by small step. I honestly thought that after a summer of hiking, mountain biking and generally living the ‘outdoorsy’ life that I’d be much fitter than this. Apparently not…

‘How about we rest for a few minutes, eh?’

Thank god for telepathic boyfriends. He grabs my clammy hand and pulls me up next to him. There’s a flat bit of ground next to a large boulder and I try not to collapse when I sit down with my back against the rock. I marvel at the view in front of us while he rummages around in the rucksack, passing me a bottle of water and sitting down next to me. Okay… maybe he was right. It is worth it. The whole of Fraser valley is laid out in front of us nestled between the mountains.

‘Look, you can see our house.’ Aaron points. I squint, trying to spot some familiar landmarks. I have a vague notion of where it might be as I scan the grid pattern with all the streets laid out so neatly.

‘Do you want something to eat? Granola bar? Chocolate? Sandwich’ He asks. I shuffle my bottom over to the rucksack and peer inside, wondering what treats he’s packed. He wouldn’t let me go anywhere near it this morning. ‘Hey! Nose out! You’re as bad as the dog!’

‘He totally knows when you’re talking about him.’ I smile, looking over at Mojo. His ears prick up. ‘And you thought he was too stupid to be an AVI dog… Shame on you, Irving.’

‘Less of the cheek, eh…’ he murmurs, giving me a kiss on the nose. ‘Do you want a granola bar or not?’

‘Sure.’ I sigh, leaning back against the rock again. I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my skin now that my body temperature is slowly going back down to normal. I feel something being put into my hand so I look down..

That’s not a granola bar, I think, my brain taking a moment to understand the significance of the small velvet box resting in the palm of my hand. Oh. My. God. Aaron shifts his position, putting one tanned knee in the dust and resting his arm on his thigh.

‘Is this what I think it is?’ I ask, my voice suddenly high.

‘Why don’t you open it and find out?’ He says softly. There’s a twinkle in his eyes, but he looks nervous. I flip open the lid and gasp, my spare hand flying to my mouth. The ring is perfect – a simple band of silver with a tiny green stone embedded in the middle. He takes my hand in his, my fingers trembling.

‘Lex… how’d you feel about becoming half-Canadian?’

‘Are you serious?’ I whisper, my heart in my mouth.

‘Completely… I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.’

‘Oh my God!’ I exclaim, suddenly aware that I’m crying. ‘This is… wow!’

‘Is that a yes?’ He asks, squeezing the life out of my hand.

‘Yes! YES! A million, trillion times, yes!’ I cry, throwing my arms around him. I can’t believe this is actually happening. I want to remember this moment forever. We stay clutching each other for a few moments before I pull back and grab his face, planting the biggest smacker on his lips. He looks so happy, his green eyes shining with love. How could I not marry this wonderful man… it’s not even physically or mentally possible for me not to.

‘Awesome!’ He says, taking off his cap and ruffling his hair. ‘That was kinda nerve-wracking… so… I thought you might say yes, but for a second there I got a bit worried, eh!’ He grins, kneeling back on his heels.

‘Nah!’ I smile playfully. ‘Why wouldn’t I want to marry you? You’ve got a lot to bring to the table, including that epic truck and a pretty cool dog. I’m quids in!’

‘Quids in?’

‘Never mind.’

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