Chapter Twenty Two

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Subject: London is rubbish without you!

Hey you,

So, what news from the smouldering gossip heap that is Fraser? Every time you email me it seems like someone else is confessing their homosexual tendencies, shagging someone unsuitable or generally acting like a drunken fool. Oh yes, that last one was you, wasn’t it! Sorry babes, couldn’t resist! ;-)

‘Hilarious, Vee…’ I mutter, before hitting the reply button.



Subject: Re: London is rubbish without you!

I knew there was something I missed about home, and it’s not your incredible wit and charm. Oh, OK… I miss you really

So, apart from being a sarky cow, how are you?

Life in Fraser continues to surprise and amuse me in equal measure. All the drama that went down at the party on NYE seems to have died down a bit, mainly because I haven’t seen Emily since it kicked off. Taz seems to thinks she’s avoiding us, but knowing how cocky she is I doubt that very much. I would imagine it’s got more to do with the fact that it’s still silly season and she’s busy with work. We’ll see how that pans out… Can’t say I’m looking forward to the showdown when I do bump into her, and don’t be offended if I don’t take your advice and tell her she did me a massive favour by finding out what a complete cock Rick is… not sure that’d go down to well.

So, you remember we talked about the different people that I’ve met and one of them was a guy called Aaron? Well, he’s proper gorgeous. Did I already mention that? He’s got this amazing bushy beard (I can almost hear you going ‘yeuch’ but hear me out on this one). He’s just a really solid, nice bloke. He’s funny and he’s polite and super-fit. Plus he likes dogs – he’s a ski patroller so he owns the cutest rescue lab, called Mojo. Mojo loves me, mostly because I feed him cheese.

So, what more delights do I have to tell you about Canadia? Well, I did try this thing the other night at The Pub called Poutine (you’re either going to think it sounds like heaven on a plate or the most disgusting thing in the known universe). It’s a plate of chips, with gravy and cheese curd. See – brilliant! It’s really yummy, especially after a few Kokanees. They also have these things called Perogies, which are like mini Cornish Pasties with meat or cheese inside. Thank god I’m snowboarding a lot, otherwise I’d be turning into the Goodyear blimp. Jenn seems to be force-feeding me with her baking on a regular basis too.

Tell you what, it’s been frickin’ cold lately, so maybe I should eat more to keep warm. I can’t believe how much snow we’ve had. I think we’re almost at three and a half meters on the ski hill and it was minus-32 the other night. Jenn said the petrol in her car nearly froze. Oh, and I forgot to tell you that Aaron’s truck has this wicked thing where you can stand around the corner and press a button on the key fob, and the truck starts all by itself – isn’t that brilliant?!

How’s your brother and your Dad? How’s Joe? I haven’t had an email from him in a while, so I hope he’s OK. I’m sure he’s just too busy having fun in the snow.

Love you loads, miss you loads,



PS – tell Sam I did a cliff-drop the other day and nearly landed on my head.

PPS – OK, so maybe a cliff-drop is a tiny exaggeration for something that was more like a bump … but I thought it was really high and scary! And I did my first rainbow rail in the park and almost knocked myself out.

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