Chapter Thirty Five

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Subject: I heard the news…

Hey Lex,

I got an email from Sam last night and he told me about your Gran. I’m really sorry. I guess you’re back in the UK now?

I fly home in a few weeks – it would be great to see you? We can compare snow stories J

Love Joe x

Bless Joe. What a sweetheart. I click on the reply button and type a reply.



Subject: Re: I heard the news…

Hi Joe

Thanks for the message. Yeah, it sucks. Poor Granny – totally unexpected, but as everyone in the village keeps saying, she had a good innings. The funeral’s on Wednesday and Sam and Evie are both coming down for it. They’ve been fantastic, as per usual. Sam drove me home from the airport and so now I’m back here, trying to get used to being at home again. It’s really odd coming back – you of all people probably know that? I just don’t feel like it’s my home any more? Anyway, I’m sure I’ll settle in soon.

I’d really love to see you – enjoy the last few weeks of the snow. Very jealous J

Lex x

I’m about to shut down my computer when the instant messenger icon pops up.


‘Jesus, Aaron. It’s like, two in the morning in BC.’ I mutter out loud, thrilled that he’s online – at least I get a chance to chat to him in real time, even if it’s on a computer.

IRV_SKI98: ‘Hey? You there?’

LEXIEMCGINTY: ‘Hi gorgeous! Can’t sleep?’

IRV_SKI98: ‘No. Missing my union jack hot water bottle.’


IRV_SKI98: ‘Want me to call you?’

LEXIEMCGINTY: ‘Yes please.’

My phone instantly starts to vibrate. I press the green button.

‘We seriously need to get Skype, eh.’ Aaron says, his deep voice sending an instant shiver of pleasure down my spine.

‘Hey, you.’ I reply. ‘This is going to cost you a small fortune, you know?’

‘Ah, you’re worth it. My hospital bill can wait.’

I giggle. ‘So, why no sleep? Been out clubbing all night?’

‘In this town? You’ve gotta be kidding. No, I was actually doing some studying, if you can believe that. Mojo and I have a CARDA training meet in Calgary at the end of the week.’

‘That sounds technical. What’s CARDA?’

‘Canadian avalanche rescue dog association.’ He explains.

‘Probably could’ve figured that one out if I thought about it.’ I smile, hearing him chuckle on the other end of the line.

‘Yeah, maybe. But it’s a pretty big deal - I want Mojo to pass his first validation.’

‘Oh, wow. So it’s like a doggy exam?’

‘Kinda. And then there’s the fact I have an interview for the Head Patroller job on Monday.’ He adds, almost nonchalantly.

‘Oh my God! You do? That’s so exciting! Good luck! Is Lisa thrilled?’

‘Yeah, she is. But that’s more down to the fact that Pierre’s retiring I think. He knows it’s time to hang up his skis, eh. So what about my favorite Brit? What’s been going on? How’s your mom?’

I pause. ‘She’s doing alright, I suppose. Organizing the funeral and everything is keeping her pretty busy.’

‘When is it?’

‘Wednesday. I think the entire village is coming, the amount of people that keep dropping into the house. We’re running out of tea-bags.’

‘Wish I could be there to support you.’ He says, his tone suddenly gentle. ‘You feel a million miles away.’

I feel a lump form in my throat, not sure what to say. ‘Yeah… I guess that’s because I am. Well, a few thousand miles away at least. Can we talk about something else? Tell me more about this CARDA thing.’


‘So, let me get this straight?’ Evie says, folding up one of Gran’s sweaters. ‘You really like this Aaron guy?’

I sigh, putting another pile of clothes in the boxes marked for the Charity shop.

‘Yes. I really like him. Actually, it’s more than that if I’m honest. We only had a few weeks together as a couple, and I was really falling for him. But when we speak on the phone, I realize that our lives are going in totally different directions. I’m heading for London and he’s in Fraser, hiking up mountains and saving lives. It’s not fair to ask him to try a long-distance relationship. I don’t even know if he feels the same way I do.’

‘You could always go back?’ She says, in a small voice.

I look at her and notice the strained expression on her face, which probably has as much to do with me disappearing off to Canada again as it does with having to sort out all of Gran’s clothes.

‘I don’t think so.’ I reply sadly. ‘I can’t leave Mum. Not after what happened to Gran. She’d be so lonely.’

Evie snorts. ‘Judging by the amount of people that came to the funeral yesterday, she’s not exactly going to be lonely in this village.’

I smile thinly. ‘That’s not really the point, Vee. I can’t just up and leave her. I’d never be able to live with the guilt.’

She grabs my hand and squeezes it. ‘What is it with you and this guilt thing, petal? You keep saying that?’

I sniff. ‘I wasn’t here with my family when it mattered. What if Mum gets ill and I’m on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Or God forbid, something happens to you or Sam? What then?’

‘Lex! You can’t live a life based on ‘What ifs?’ We all die one day. Your granny had an amazing life and your mum is fine. I don’t mean to sound morbid, but I could be run over by a bus next Monday. You just don’t know.’

I stand up and walk over to the dresser, picking up Gran’s bottle of Chanel No. 5 and inhaling her smell. I’m instantly transported back to my childhood, being cuddled on the sofa next to her, reaching up and fiddling with the pearls she always wore around her neck. I feel the tears welling up again, remembering the vicar’s kind words yesterday after the service. I’m going to miss her a lot.

Evie comes up behind me and puts her arms around my waist, propping her chin on my shoulder.

I smile back at her in the mirror. ‘Thanks for helping out today. I didn’t want Mum to have to deal with it when I go back to London.’

‘It’s no biggie.’ She smiles. ‘How are you feeling about tomorrow?’

‘Terrified! Out of my depth. I still can’t believe I’ve got an interview with one of the top agencies in London. Which reminds me, I really need to finish my portfolio this afternoon. I’m not sure a Creative Director will be that impressed with my discount ads for Full O’Beans.’

‘You never know.’ Evie winks. ‘Just be yourself and they’ll love you. How could they fail to spot your amazingness?’

I give her a squeeze. ‘If only it was that easy.’

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