Moving In

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Leonardo sat alone in the training room trying to connect to Master Splinter's spirit. Leo wanted to communicate with Splinter and inform him of how he can rest now, that his sons are safe.

Donatello worked in his laboratory, of course as if he would be anywhere else. Donnie is fixing the shell raiser, after their final battle with Shredder, it took a quiet bit of damage.

Michaelangelo had not changed at all by the defeat of Shredder as he sat on the couch, upside down of course cause it is Mikey, watching his favorite show while eating pizza.

Raphael is upstairs watching over his brothers, content with the defeat of Shredder and finally putting his uncontrollable anger aside and smiled.

Karai has been living with April for the past few months, unsure if she is ready to move in with the guys.

"You know Karai my dad said you can live with us for now on, after what happened to... him, he just wants you to be in a place you feel safe," April said as she put her hand on Karai's shoulder.

Karai grew her hair out a bit, and she let it go back to her natural brown. This made her look even more like her mother and this was one way for her to feel closer to her too.

"I know... but if the boys are truly my adopted brothers then I want to be there with them... they are family after all," Karai said with a smile.

"Alright, I will take you to them and help you when you are ready. Hey, maybe I can even spend the night with you!" April laughed.

"Wait did the boys not just make one more room? I thought they did not have any guest rooms!" Karai said as she stared at April in confusion.

"I can make Donnie sleep on the couch!" April laughed.

Both the girls laughed and then they laid on their backs across April's bed.

"Well I mean we are best friends now, and it is not like we have not slept in the same room before," Karai said as she felt a warm smile appear on her face for all the good times they had together.

"Yeah remember when we got drunk?" April asked laughing, "Casey and dad had to carry us up here and just threw us onto the same bed."

"Yeah," Karai laughed, "ugh I am never drinking alcohol after that!"

"Agreed!" April said as she raised her hand up before putting it down as both girls laughed.

"So April how is Casey?" Karai asked.

"He has been having a hard time... after his mother passed away last year Casey, by law, had to take his sister in and raise her," April said before adding, "I mean we are all in our twenties... we are adults now, gotta get some responsibilities I guess."

"Hey, you hush! You are going to college to help people that's something!" Karai exclaimed.

"By becoming a scientist?" questioned April as she looked at her lab coat.

"Yeah it is fun trying to figure out the properties of the ooze," April added.

"Well, let us get some sleep." Karai said as she rolled onto her side before saying, "night!"

"Night.." April said as she rolled to her side, their backs facing each other as they both dozed off to sleep.

Early in the morning Karai and April already ate breakfast and started working together to help Karai move in with the boys.

"You know my offer still stands," Mr. O'Neil said to the girls while they were packing.

"Thank you Mr. O'Neil but I should be around my brothers maybe then I can learn more about my father and be closer to him in a way.." Karai sighed at the thought of turning her back on her father for a monster like Shredder.

"I understand," Mr. O'Neil said as he hugged her, "be safe on your travels."

Karai hugged him back as she said, "thank you for not turning your back on me."

April opened up her window to see Ralph and Donnie on the fire escape.

"What are you two doing out here in broad daylight??" April hissed.

"It is too early April, hardly anyone is awake only people to busy to get to work," Donnie said as he pointed to the empty street.

"Oh. I did not realize it was that early sorry guys," April said.

"It is no problem, I probably would have done the same if it was the other way around," Ralph explained.

"Where is Leo and Mikey?" April asked.

"Mikey got the flu this morning so Leo stayed home to take care of him," Donnie explained.

"Oh, poor Mikey! I will get some of his favorite soup after college," April explained.

"Thanks, April I am sure he will appreciate that," Ralph said.

"No problem!" April said with a smile.

With that Ralph, Donnie, April, and Casey all helped Karai move in with the boys.

"Thank you all for helping me move in!" Karai exclaimed as she smiled.

"You are welcome!" they all said before April, and Casey waved their goodbyes and went to work or college.

"Welcome to the fam sisio Karai!" Mikey said as he laughed before coughing and groaning from the sickness.

"Sisio Karai?" Karai questioned.

"He says it is your super 'cool' nickname for him," Leo explained.

"Awe well thanks Mikey, I hope you get better soon," Karai said as she air hugged him from a distance.

"Thank you all for letting me become a part of your family!" Karai said as she hugged them all, except Mikey, cause of the flu.

Leo and Ralph helped Karai with getting her room situated while Donnie began to make lunch.
April came in with a hot bowl of soup as she set it next to Mikey.

"Hey, Mikey guess what," April said quietly.

"Huh?" Mikey sniffled as he looked at her.

"I got you, your favorite soup!" April whispered is joy.

"R-Really?!" Mikey questioned as he sat up quickly and began to drink it, "thanks April you are the best!"

"You are welcome Mikey," April smiled as she went into the kitchen.

"Did you put the medicine in the soup?" Donnie asked.

"Yep just like you told me to," April giggled.

"Did he notice?" Donnie asked.

"Nope! He gobbled it up!" April said content with her trick.

"Good, I swear it is the only way to make him take medicine," Donnie laughed.

"I can not say much, April said before laughing then going on, "I am the same way! I will not eat anything unless I made it myself and made sure no one else touched it."

"Ah smart," Donnie said before adding, "let us hope Mikey never thinks of that!"

April and Donnie both laughed before April had to go. She went back to her college classes before going into work for the night.

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