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Leo's Point of View

I woke up my body ached, my head was all fuzzy then when everything started to focused I remembered, Karai! I tried to jolt up as pain surged through my body but something or rather someone held me down, I looked up hoping to see Karai's face but instead I saw a girl with dark brown hair in a loose braid, her soft chocolate brown eyes warmed my heart.

I woke up my body ached, my head was all fuzzy then when everything started to focused I remembered, Karai! I tried to jolt up as pain surged through my body but something or rather someone held me down, I looked up hoping to see Karai's face but ...

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This is not a dream... she is not Karai... I tried to get up again but she held me down again. Ugh if only I was not so weak then I would be able to get up. At first, I heard her talking but I could not make out the words she was saying, but I could tell she had a soft sweet voice. Slowly I began to be able to put together what she was saying and the fuzziness went away.

"Are you alright Leonardo?" the girl asked me.

Wait how did she know my name? Who was she? Where am I?

"How do you know me?..." I asked trying hard to not grunt in pain.

I saw her worry turn to sadness as the fear in her eyes turned to hurt. Did I hurt her feelings? Or did we once met and I forgot?

"Do you not remember me Leonardo?" she asked as I could tell she was fighting back tears.

"Excuse me..." the girl quickly left the room.

As soon as she was gone I sat up before I felt another girl push me down.

"Ugh!" I yelled as I looked at who pushed me back down ready to yell at them.

It was April.... she was bandaged up a quiet bit. Her right arm was completely bandaged from wrist to shoulder meanwhile her left hand was bandaged. She had one crutch under her left arm as her entire left leg was bandaged. Her right knee foot was bandaged but seemed not as bad as the other.

"Please... rest..." was all April said to me.

I had so many questions but I could tell she felt hurt not just physically but emotionally too... she must think we left her to die, or maybe these girls brainwashed her. I wanted to talk to April so bad but I could tell it hurt her to just tell me to rest. I listened to her but then my head began to feel fuzzy again as I fainted.

I woke up what felt like a few minutes but based on how my stomach growled it was longer than a few minutes. I saw up and this time the room was empty. I looked down and saw they had put my right arm in an arm sling. My legs were both bandaged completely my left leg more than my right. I tried to stand but I had to use my good arm and the wall to walk. I could stand on my right leg, not my left leg. I eventually made my way to the room next to me, inside was Ralph, Donnie, and Mikey. They were all asleep, I went down to the next room. All the girls who I have never met before were in there talking, April was not with them. I kept going down the hallway. I saw Cassidy on the bed, she laid completely still, she was hooked up to a heart monitor and she had a pipe breathing for her. She was protected by Karai... if Cassidy was in this condition I can only imagine what condition Karai was in, I kept looking around. I found Casey's room, he seemed to be in the same condition I was but he was frantic about seeing Cassidy. April was in the next room staring out the window... it seems she has completely distanced herself from everyone but that was when I realized... Karai was not in any of the rooms so I ran back to the girls' room to figure out what happened.

The baby blue shirt girl, that I saw earlier, was talking to her sisters when I walked in. Wait how did I know they were sisters? I just shrugged it off as I went to them.

"Hello Leonardo, how are you feeling?" a girl asked me, she wore a lilac purple headband while her outfit was all black and she had leather sleeves on her arms.

"Hello Leonardo, how are you feeling?" a girl asked me, she wore a lilac purple headband while her outfit was all black and she had leather sleeves on her arms

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"I am fine, now what happened?" I asked eager to find Karai.

"You may wanna sit down for this one Leonardo," the blue shirt girl said as she gently pushed me into the seat.

I let out a huff since standing was a pain for me but I did not want to sit down. The blue shirt girl sat down in front of me as her sisters left the room.

"Leonardo... I am Venus De Milo... but you use to call me Veve or Venus..." Venus said as I could tell she was choking her tears down.

"Use to?" I questioned as I do not recall ever meeting this girl.

"Yes," she said with a sigh before continuing, "use to... we were just fifteen almost sixteen at the time when our parents separated us."

"Why did they separate us?" I asked now interested in this story.

"Because we girls' became weak because of you boys... you all felt like you should always protect us, one-day Amoly, the pink bandana pigtails girl, was badly hurt... Mikey blamed himself for it but in reality, it was my fault for the incident so I told my mother and father we would never see you boys' again. My father understood and my mother hated the idea but knew it had to be done... so I wiped you boys' memories of all of us, Splinter informed me he would make sure you four lived a long happy life," Venus explained as I was in shock, all these years I thought I was just crazy for thinking a part of my life was missing but really a part of me was!

"What happened? How did you all find us?" I asked remembering Karai was still out there.

"Shredder had his own child before he kidnapped Karai as a baby he had a baby boy, his son was about eight when Shredder kidnapped Karai, his son knew it was not right so some nights he would sneak off with Karai to let her see the world. But as Karia got older and turned out to be more like Shredder her brother hated her for it and so... he hurt her one day, so bad that it scarred her for life. Three days ago, when the explosion happened, he found it a perfect opportunity to take her and kill her so she could not hurt anyone else," Venus explained and my heart dropped. Karai did not deserve this she is a better person now!

"But she has changed she is no longer working for evil!" I yelled as I tried to get up but Venus forced me back down.

"I know and that is why we girls will go save her while you boys rest," Venus said in determination and a soft gentle voice.

"But," I protested but she put her finger on my lips.

"No buts," was the last thing she said before I felt a wave of darkness wash over me. I must have fainted or maybe she knocked me out? I am not sure, all I know is I cannot wake up from this... Karai please be safe...

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