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Karai stood on the side of the roof, rage surging through her body as she stared at the house.

"They are cowering in there," Karai said, her blade glistening in the moonlight pointing at the house that the turtles and April were all living in.

"Very good Karai, if you do not want to see your family suffer I do understand and let you return to your headquarters," the man said in a deep stern voice as he glared at the house.

"No... they turned their back on me, I want to kill them myself..." Karai said as she watched the lights in the room go out one by one.

"Then midnight we will attack, let them feel our wrath," he said as he knelt to the roof staring at the house watching the lights going out and the figures going to rest.

"Agreed," Karai said as she sat on the edge, playing with her dagger.

Finally, midnight had struck the moonlight at its brightest time of night, the crickets slowly stopped chirping as the house grew silent. Everyone in the house, sleeping so peacefully you could not hear a peep. Karai and the man slowly approached an open window. They quietly climbed in and hid in the closet of the room they crept into. The soldiers taking their post outside around the house, waiting for the command. As the wind softly blew they saw the figure lying in the bed was April. Karai froze as she felt a tear slip down her cheek, she muffled her cries as she shook it off and reminded herself April... is... gone. They softly went into the corridor, making sure their steps were softer than a mouse, not a single floorboard squeaked. They softly went into another room it was Leonardo's room, Karai saw Leo lying so peaceful but all she could feel was the pain of him moving on. One by one they went into each room seeing who was in which room. Once everyone was accounted for and all the bombs were in place they went back outside. 

"Let us get out of here," the man said as he began to walk away.

"Karai?" they heard a voice behind them say.

"Leo..." Karai whispered.

They both spun around to see Leonardo standing behind them, tears slipping down his cheeks as his face ashen and his eyes brimful of shock.

"No... You are not real! I saw your body! I saw him kill you!" Leo said as he began to pull his katanas out as more tears slipped down his cheeks.

"He saw what?!?!" Karai yelled as she looked at the man, anger raging through her body as she pulled out her dagger on him.

"I had to make sure they would not keep looking for you and jeopardize our mission..." the man whispered in a low dark tone as he began to back away, realizing Karai was turning on him.

"YOU ARE THE REASON THEY THOUGHT I WAS DEAD?!" Karai yelled as she held her dagger into the air and charged at the man that tore her and Leo apart.

The soldiers took a stance.

"Men fall back and destroy them all..." the man said as he and the soldiers retreated as one of the soldiers pressed a button on the remote.

Fear stroke Karai's eyes as her ears began to ring. A tear slipped down her cheek as she swung around and saw the house rupturing in flames. She watched Leo run back into the ablaze house.

"Leo no!" Karai yelled but it was too late, Leo was already in the house.

"Karai!" Ralph yelled as he ran to Karai and slammed her into the ground seconds away from killing her before yelling, "where is Leo?!" in a low growl.

"He ran back in! Probably to save you all!" Karai said as she quietly sobbed regretting what she had done.

"Leo!" Ralph yelled as he went running after him but Mikey's chain wrapped around him and held him back.

"Let me go!" Ralph yelled as he fought the chain.

Then slowly caving in, they all watched what was once a house turn into a pile of rubble. Venus fell to her knees as she watched the rubble slowly burn into ashes.

"Leonardo..." she whispered as a tear slipped down her cheek and landed on the daisy next to her.

Larota did not know who to comfort, Ralph or Venus... but she knew her hatred for Karai rose as she spun around to Karai just to see nothing.

"That coward ran! SHE IS THE REASON LEONARDO IS DEAD!" Venus yelled as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"He is not gone!" Raph yelled as his hands gripped the grass beneath his feet.

April walked over to Ralph and Venus, putting her hands on both of their shoulders.

"We are all safe... Leonardo lives on through us... If he did survive that fire, we will find him..." April said as she hugged both of them, all three of them crying. 

The gang slowly got up and ran to the shellraiser that was collecting dust in the barn nearby.

"Guys move it!" Mikey yelled as he saw the fire from the house began to burn the barn.

"Come on let us go! Let us go!" Ralph yelled as he motioned everyone to the shellraiser.

First, all the girls climbed into the shellraiser then the boys except Ralph...

"Ralph come on we do not have much time!" Donnie said as he held his hand out to grab his brothers.

"Go on without me... I am going to stay behind and find Leonardo... I will meet up with you guys at April's house," Ralph said as he got onto the motorcycle leaning against the wall and drove it out of the barn, far enough away from the flames. Before he ran towards the rubble looking for Leonardo.

"Come on Donnie... we are sitting ducks here let us go before anyone else gets hurt..." April said as she put her hand on Donnie's shoulder.

Donnie hesitated then nodded as a tear slipped down his cheek and he whispered, "be safe Leo and Ralph..." then Donnie shifted the shellraiser into drive and drove back to the city.

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