Part 1

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Lauren's pov

White walls... Smells strange... Maybe like a pharmacy... Cold bright lights blinding me... And shilloettes wearing masks...

"Her heart is still beating. All vital signs are on point."

"Nurse! Check her system!"

"My head hurts so damn much..." I murmured trying to get up and see what was happening.

"She's awake. Miss Jauregui, how do you feel?"

"I told you! My head hurts!" I began to lose coordination. "Who the f... are you guys? And how did i come here?"

"Calm down, miss. Or else..."

"F*** i'm bleeding!"

"Or else you'll mess up the system and you'll bleed."

"Thanks for warning me in time" i laughed sarcastically.

"Seems like she haven't lost her sense of humour." Noticed the nurse.

"Yeah. Wanna know a joke about a nurse?" I giggled like an idiot and she began to lose her nerve.

"Don't mind her. She's still not clear." Whispered the doctor trying to comfort the nurse.

"I'm not clear?! You mean i'm dirty?! Who is the idiot that put me in bed without telling me to shower. I always shower before bed."

"No... Miss Jauregui..."

"Change the bed sheets. I'll go take a hot tub."

"No, miss. I fear that you cannot do this."

"Oh, i understand... So who stole my shampoo? I bet it was that b...." I lost consciousness again.

"Good night, miss Jauregui." Laughed the nurse.

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