Chapter Fourteen

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Cole met my kiss aggressively, pulling me deeper into him with his hand on the back of my neck. I bit down on his lip hard. Cole let out a low growl of desire and my body ignited, taking over, banishing all thought and reason. Before I knew it, I was on top of him, straddling him and unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his well defined body, all the while never breaking our kiss. Cole's tongue explored my mouth as my eager hands made their way down his chest, over his belly, below his belt where I could feel his cock pressing hard against his jeans, begging to be freed. I rubbed him through his jeans and he moaned into mouth, gripping me harder behind my neck, hands tangled and pulling at my hair. Cole began to unbutton my blouse with his free hand. When he got to my jean shorts, I rose to my knees to grant him access to my button and zipper which he made quick work of.
He slid his free hand into my shorts, under my panties, to my sweet core which was now soaked with desire. He moaned into my mouth once more at how ready my body was for him. His fingers explored, reacquainting themselves with my clit which was now swollen and throbbing with desire. He slid a finger inside of me while still rubbing my clit with his calloused thumb. I was on the brink of explosion when he stopped. He opened up his door, grabbing me below my bottom, he wrapped my legs around his waist as he climbed awkwardly out of his seat and flung open the back door, tossing me across the back seat bench of his pickup. He pulled my shorts and panties off the rest of the way as I yanked off my shirt and let my bra fall, exposing my perky breasts.

Cole stood there at the door admiring my body while he fumbled to remove his boots and pants, freeing his cock which was standing at full attention for me. He climbed into the truck overtop of me. He rested his damp chest on mine and found my mouth once more, kissing me with such eager and passion. He began to position himself and I felt his cock brush against my wetness. I didn't want it like this, though. I needed to be in control this time. I pushed Cole off of me and pulled him into the truck so that he was sitting beside me once more. I climbed on top of him so I was straddling him once more. Using my hand I positioned his cock and ever so slowly, lowered myself onto him. We both let out a sigh of pleasure and release. I sat like this for a few moments, allowing my body to adjust to Cole's size. We both quivered with desire and anticipation. I wrapped my arms around Coles neck and pulled his mouth to mine once more. He rested his hands on my hips as I started to grind him deeper into me. We were both panting, exploring each other's bodies whenever we could. Cole nibbled at my neck and I dug my nails into his shoulders as the pressure began to build again. His pubic hair rubbed against my clit as I rocked back and forth on top of him. I was fighting hard to hold on a bit longer, to savor the moment. Cole began to lick and tug at my ear, his warm breath against me nearly put me over the edge.

"Oh Jess, I love you so much..." Cole breathed into my ear.

"Tell me you're sorry", I moaned in response.

"I'm so sorry, oh, I'm so sorry, Jess...ah"

I moaned into Cole's mouth and exploded in ecstasy around him, Cole following soon after, emptying himself into me. We lost ourselves in one another to the sound of the crickets and frogs once more...

Neither one of us moved for some time, each listening to the sound of the others breathing leveling out and coming back to normal. I winced as I climbed off of Cole's lap and plopped onto the seat next to him once more. He reached over and rested his hand on my thigh.

"That was incredible, Jess."

I didn't know how to respond. Now that the sex was over, my mind began to race again. What had I just done? I slept with my ex boyfriend and enjoyed it far more than I felt that I should have. I had many emotions racing through me in that moment but the loudest was guilt. What was I going to do? What would I tell Brant? Did this mean that Cole and I were back together? was just sex, right?

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