Chapter Thirty-Three

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Brant's POV

Jess would be here today to check in on me. I still couldn't believe the series of events that brought us back to one another. I'd like to think it was divine intervention.

I heard the dogs carrying on outside which meant Chase or AJ had shown up for work. A few minutes passed and I heard the screen door squeal. Chase.

I heard heavy steps from steel toes until he made his way into the room.

"What up, boss man?! Finally home, huh? Chase said excitedly, plopping down at the foot of the bed."

"Hey Chase, good to be home."

"For sure! We missed ya barking orders at us all day round here!"

I chuckled in response.

"Aright, what can I do for ya?"

"If you could grab me some water? I have to take some pain meds."

"Sure thing, boss man." Chase stomped out to the kitchen and back with my glass of water, handed it to me, and grabbed my container of pills. He popped the lid and fished one out for me. I took it and swallows it with my first gulp of water. As Chase put my meds away I finished off my glass of water. He went and refilled it for me.

"Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. I hate being stuck in this stupid bed. As soon as doc gives me the go ahead I'll be back out there helping you guys."

"Nah, no worries, man. I'm just glad you're good. Is there anything else you need before I go to work? Fresh clothes or anything?"

"Uh, actually Jess will be here around noon to get my incisions cleaned up so it can wait till then."

Chase's eyes lit up at the sound of her name and immediately looked at me with a knowing smile.

"Jess?! How the hell did this all go down?"

I chuckled. "Well, wouldn't ya know that she was my last student nurse before I left the hospital...."

"No way! That's fate right there, buddy! Right on. Can't wait to see her. It's been like..."

"7 months" I interrupted.

Chase gave me a knowing look again.

"You're still crazy about that girl..."

"I love her, Chase. That hasn't changed."

"Yeah, I don't blame ya...I want to see you two work it out this time.

"Me too...more than anything, but I don't exactly know how she feels. She doesn't seem like she interested in being anywhere near a relationship right now. I tried talking to her about things at the hospital, but it just wasn't the right time or place."

"Dude, she volunteered to come nurse you back to health. She still loves you, too. You play your cards right and you might get some "help" in some other areas, too. Chase said with a smirk."

I rolled my eyes and shoo'd Chase back to work. Only four more hours till Jess would be here. I needed to at least make it seem like I've had my shit together for the past 7 months.

I transferred myself out of bed into my wheelchair and got to work very slowly collecting all the laundry around the house. I made at least 4 trips to dump the basket into the laundry room. When that was done and a load was washing, I moved on to dishes.

The time flew pretty quickly since there was a ton to do. I was just getting a pot of coffee on when there was a light tapping on the screen door.

"Knock, knock.", Jess said through the screen cheerfully.

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