Chapter Thirty-Two

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7 months later...

I was finishing up reviewing a patient chart and retrieving some info to be better prepared for report when a fellow nursing student whom I'd grown quite fond of throughout our years in nursing school, Emma plopped down in the seat next to me.

"Guess what!" She said, excitedly.

I peeked over at her. She was quite dolled up for being in our final few weeks of nursing school and just completing a night shift.


"I MAY have gone out with a super sexy doctor this weekend!"

I knew exactly who she was talking about before she even said his name. Dr. Greene. All the female nursing students drooled over him.

"Shut up!" I whispered, excitedly. "You're so bad!" Tell me everything!"

It was against school policy to date anyone in the staff.

She giggled and began telling me about dinner with Dr. Greene, followed by a movie with Dr. Greene, followed by going home with Dr. Greene...

My eyes grew wider as she went into detail about her steamy weekend.

"Girl! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you...are you going to see him again?!", I asked excitedly.

"Yes! We've been texting back and forth nonstop since he asked me out! He's so sweet and sexy...speaking of sexy, you're in for one hell of a treat with your new patient today. He was my patient last night!"

I chuckled. "Good, you can give me report then."

"You bet!" She scooted close to me with her computer chair and flipped open her notes.

"This is a 25 year old male hospitalized due to a farm accident. He was admitted via ambulance after being thrown from and stepped on by a horse."

"Ouch!", I said as I wrote down some notes.

"X-rays performed upon arrival showed a fracture of the left tibia and fibula. The bones were pretty badly damaged, but Dr. Azzaro was able to perform surgery within an hour of the patients arrival. An open reduction internal fixation was performed and the patients tibia and fibula have multiple pins and screws in place. Incision site is healing without complication. He's receiving bandage changes every shift."

After Emma finished up report, told me about my patients medication schedule and evening vitals, it was time to meet him. I followed her into the room. I was still checking over some notes when Emma began speaking to the patient.

"Hey there, I just wanted to let you know that my shift is over and Miss Jessica here is going to be taking care of you for the day. It was a pleasure to meet you, I hope that you heal up fast and are able to head home soon!"

"Thanks a lot, Emma. Take care."

The voice nearly knocked the wind out of me and my eyes immediately fell on a familiar pair of blue/grey eyes.

"Brant?!" I gasped, pulling back the curtain so that he could see me by Emma's side. Emma gave me a knowing look and scooted out of the room before I could say anything else.

"Jess...", Brant whispered, his eyes locked on mine.

"What are you...I mean, how...? Are you ok?!" I rushed to his side but quickly caught myself before touching him and took a step back.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea...but I can't be your nurse..."

"What do you mean?"

"It's against school policy to accept patients that we know personally. I'm going to have to let my instructor know and swap patients with another student.."

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