Chapter Thirty-One

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Brant's POV

I was startled awake by the text tone on my phone. It went off once, twice, three times before I could reach over and grab it.

I unlocked my phone and viewed the messages.

There were 3 messages from Cole. The first an image. I clicked to download, it took a moment for my dinosaur of a phone to catch up but when it finally did, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

There in the image was Jessica, sound asleep in an unfamiliar bed. There was a white sheet covering her, but it was obvious that she was totally naked underneath.

The next message finished loading... an audio clip. I clicked to download, teeth clenched, preparing for the worst.

I could recognize Cole's voice "Tell me you want me."
The sound of Jess's voice on the audio clip nearly broke me.
"I want you."

The third message: a video

"Christ, no"

She had slept with him again. I never knew myself to be much of a quitter, but I was ready to throw in the towel in this case. I knew that Jess loved me, I knew that I loved her, but maybe that would never be enough as long as Cole was in the picture. I had to accept that...I could accept it with time, I got through the loss of Kelsey, I could do anything. It would take time, but I would make it. I couldn't stand the idea of Jess being with a man like Cole, though. He didn't love her. He loved being able to say she was his. He loved the idea of having her around at his disposal all the damn time.

It may have been over for Jess and I, but I would make sure she knew who Cole really was before I was done.

I laid awake in bed until dawn. I ran out to feed and clean stalls before Chase made it in to work. I was going to need his help today to keep me under control.

It was 8:30 when Chase finally pulled in.

I met him at his truck.

"What's up Boss man?"
"Chase, today is the day. I'm gonna need your help."
Chase knew immediately what I was referring to.
"Alright man, let's do it!!

Jess's POV

We made it through the night. I may have had to make some questionable choices, but Cole was still sober, and that was counted as a win in my book.

I got out of bed and found my clothes to dress.
Cole turned over and peeked up at me. He stretched and yawned
"Morning, love."
I smiled. "Morning"
My stomach rumbled. "I'm starving, wanna do breakfast?"
"Actually, I wanna do you...again." Cole said with a wink.
I rolled my eyes. "Behave."
Cole chuckled and climbed out of bed. "I'm gonna use the bathroom and get dressed. Be right back.

When Cole finished, we walked to my house so that I could get cleaned up as well.

When I got out of the shower I heard shouting from the living room area. 'What the hell' I thought. I hurriedly threw on some sweats and a tank and rushed downstairs. On the porch stood Cole, Brant, and Chase. 'Oh, God, not good'

I burst through the front door and everyone was quiet for a minute. "What is going on?? Brant, Chase, what are you guys doing here??

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