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"Move, (y/n)! Back up right now!" Joseph shouted with urgency.

You were frozen in place for a moment before doing just as he said, stumbling out of the way.

The man in the air howls in agony as he was exposed to sunlight... Only to dive into the German soldier through his leg wound.

"He's crawling into the wound on my leg!" He screamed out.

Grabbing an axe, Joseph swung it towards him.

"Get out of there!" But he just narrowly misses. "This is a shock! Von Stroheim is safe and Hamon-free!"

The man suddenly got up and started to hobble a few steps away.

"Santana is inside me!" He exclaimed, his back contorting backwards.

"What a fearsome creature! What tenacity to live!"

"What the hell is going on, Joseph?!" You screamed in horror.

"I'll tell you later. All we need to do now is defeat the man inside Stroheim!" The nineteen-year-old replies, "He's weak to sunlight and Hamon! But... If he's in von Stroheim, he's safe even in sunlight!"

"S-Such horror! This is horrifying! Do you know what frightens me, Joestar?" The man, who you now learned is named Stroheim, asked as his severed leg spasmed. "My leg doesn't hurt. In fact, it feels quite pleasant!"

He then suddenly leapt away from the two of you.

"Von Stroheim!" Joseph called out.

The German soldier froze before his eyes turned to you and JoJo. Reaching to his side, his hand pulled out some type of rod.

"Hold on! Y-you won't..." Your partner started, waving his hands around.

"Joestar! You've seen what Santana, the ultimate being, can do. There is no hope for me. I'll use this to destroy both of us." He said, bringing the bomb closer to him and unscrewing the bottom with trembling hands. "But I must tell you something before I die. So listen up, both of you. The Wehrmacht did not awaken Santana because of military curiosity alone."

"What?" Joseph mumbled as he placed the explosive in his mouth.

"Why so suddenly?!" You questioned.

"Listen!" He yelled, causing you two to flinch slightly. "It is your destiny to hear this! Recently the Wehrmacht discovered another pillar in Europe!"

Stroheim's body suddenly expanded, resulting in his clothes tearing. You cringed.

"W-What?! Von Stroheim, are you serious?!"JoJo responds.

"This means that Santana is not unique. The Pillar Men have slept for millennia and we seek their fantastic powers! Soon, they will awaken! If a weakness other than sunlight cannot be found, all is lost. That is why we had to experiment on Santana. Events fifty years ago have destined you to fight the Pillar Men!"

"Wait, what does this have to do with me?!" You questioned, confused.

"Joestar, your Hamon is too weak to overcome them! As for you, (y/n), I haven't personally witnessed your Hamon skills myself, so I cannot be sure whether you can defeat them or not. But, I would advise you to train more too, just in case." He pointed a finger to you and Joseph, saying, "Go to Rome! Someone awaits you there! It is a man Speedwagon knows well!"

Stroheim's body is then suddenly pulled backwards.

"H-He's trying to control my body and make me hide in that well! But soon I'll open myself up and let the sun shine in!" The man shouted, pulling on the string right after.

"Von Stroheim, you can't..."

He chuckled. "Human greatness is in proudly facing down one's fears. The words of the Greek historian Plutarch."

Him and Joseph had eye contact for a few seconds before Stroheim bid his goodbye.

"Farewell... You annoying Englishman!"

"Don't do it! I still have questions!"

"Stop, Joseph!" You yelled, stopping him from running into the upcoming explosion.

The two of you get thrown back by its force.

"Damn that crazy soldier!" He growled, "Putting on a show like that..."

You notice some tears growing in his eyes.

"I understand how you feel, JoJo. But look..."

The Brit's gaze followed to where your hand was pointing. Straight up ahead, the Pillar Man named Santana stood, his hardening skin cracking under the sun.

"Santana!" He hollered with hands balling up into tight fists.

"Get out of my way! If you don't, you'll die, JoJo!" Santana warned as he jumped over you.

"Do as he says! You've barely recovered from before!"

"And let him escape?! Not a chance!" Joseph answered.

His fist met with Santana's and a few sparks of Hamon appeared before he was launched backwards into the well.

As he descended, you notice a roll of rope rapidly unraveling beside your foot. Your eyes trailed to where it was leading to and immediately, you understood. As the end leapt into the air and rushed toward the well, you swiftly grabbed it and tugged.

At first, you were getting pulled along, but once you approached the well, you were able to place your feet against the wall and stop.

You stayed in place, still in a faint state of shock from all that had happened in just about ten minutes.

"Nice catch, (y/n)!" The nineteen-year-old called from within after a few minutes of heavy breathing.

"You really are an idiot... You know that?!" You groaned, leaning your head back onto the ground.


After that whole fiasco, you, Joseph, and Speedwagon travelled back to New York to pack up for your trip to Rome. On your way out, you took notice of a plant sitting in the corner by the window, basking in the sun.

I should water my plants in case this journey takes longer than expected.

Going into your kitchen, you wandered around your house, watering your plants before reaching the last one, which happens to be the one that made you remember to water them. You took a spray bottle and misted the cactus slightly more than usual then nod in satisfaction.

Grabbing your belongings, you finally made your way out the door.

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