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"The husks of soldiers! Th-They're all dead! No way!" Mark screamed, running away and throwing his flashlight in the process.

"Hey, Dutch! Don't run off! Something's out there!" You exclaimed, holding out a hand.

The fog clears as he ran in that direction and the shadows within them reveal three extremely robust men.

"Wh-What is that?" JoJo questioned in surprise.

"This can't be! Th-They're...!"

"Awake!" Caesar finished Speedwagon's sentence, "Get out of there, Mark!"

Frozen in both fear and shock, you could do nothing but watch as the Pillar Men strut forward, the one on the left absorbing half of Mark's body once they touched.

You all gasped while Caesar screamed, "Mark!"

Said man struggled to stay balanced, but is caught by his friend.

"Mark!" The blond repeated.

"Caesar... Caesar!" He called out to his friend.


"They didn't even notice what happened when one of them bumped into Mark!" Speedwagon observed.

While the men gathered around, you were still unable to move. Your eyes trailed after the Pillar Men as your breaths grew more and more unstable, your face heating up. (A/n: just realized this sounds like she's blushing, oop-)

No, they can't be awake yet... It's... It's too soon!

Your head started to feel hot from over thinking the situation, but you're then brought back to reality when you notice the one who absorbed Mark kneel before the other two.

"It's night outside, Wamuu." The one in the black turban spoke.

"Yes, Lord Kars. What is your plan?" The one you now learned to be Wamuu replied.

"Searching for the whereabouts of the Red Stone of Aja, of course." The third one holding a familiar stone mask said, "All we need is the Stone and the mask will be complete!"

"But Master Esidisi, the human world has changed much over the years. Long ago, the Emperor of Rome had the Stone. But that age has ended, I am sure."

"Then we must find out where the Stone has gone." The one named Kars responded.

"They say the Emperor cherished the Stone. I am sure humans still tell stories of it." Wamuu claimed, "I shall find the stone."

"We have time." 

"For now, let us go outside and observe the changes in the human world." Esidisi spoke.

The two walked past their servant when, all of a sudden, he kicked Kars, causing said Pillar Man to back off with a cut on his arm.

"Wamuu! What are you doing, worm?!" The other questioned with urgency.

You were taken aback at the term given to Wamuu. Even with what he did, how could they treat someone with such disrespect? 

"Stay your hand, Esidisi!"

The cut on Kars' arm healed almost instantaneously.

"I apologize, Lord Kars." Wamuu bowed once more.

Bringing a hand up, he replied, "Wamuu, I know you hate when someone enters your shadow. I forgot how you reflexively attack anyone who does. It has been 2,000 years, after all."

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