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A/n: hey y'all, sorry this took a long while. just a quick note, uh, if you want, you can have 2 names (birth name + modern name/alias). I didn't add it tho cuz I figured some would rather keep their name the same.

"Judging by your reaction, I assume you remember now." Kars states.

Your leg stops melting and gradually heals itself, leaving a hole in your pants. Various changes occur throughout the rest of your body as well, whether it was size, length, shape, or color.

Raising your head, you glare up at Kars again, this time, revealing your (color) slit eyes.

The ultimate being's smirk grows.

"Welcome back, (y/n)."

He withdraws his arm as you put more force into your kick.

Backing up, you stand before Joseph and Stroheim, who couldn't help but stare in shock.

"U-Unbelievable... This whole time..."

"There's no time for that, JoJo! We need to get out of here!" The German wails out, "Kars won't die, so our only hope is to leave him with (y/n)!"

"I suggest you move out of the way, (y/n).  JoJo and I have things we must settle. We can talk about what you've done later." Kars tells you, but his words just fuel your emotions. 

You stand your ground,  glaring more intensely at your old friend. 

"I already made the mistake of letting you do as you pleased back then, and it resulted in the extinction of our kind. But I won't let it happen again!" You proclaim, fiery ambition in your eyes. "I usually don't regret things, but... When we were younger... I should have never told you about my dream. Because I never thought a childish dream could become a nightmarish reality."

This seems to trigger something within Kars, as his eyes widen and he suddenly charges at you.

You take a stance and send a kick to him, which he easily blocks with an arm before punching with the other. Tilting your head to the side, you dodge, then pull him closer using the extended limb to knee him in the stomach.

Right as your knee made contact, you grew a sharp horn at the end of the joint, impaling the other Ultimate Being in his abdomen and causing him to freeze from the shock of the pain. You dig your knee deeper into his body and glance back. "Now's your chance! Go and get to safety, Stroheim, JoJo!"


"Just go-" Your shouts get cut off as your opponent grabs your throat from behind, prying you off of him and discarding you to the ground behind him. You get up to run after Kars, but he takes out his feathers again and hardens them, shooting them so that they impaled and pinned your wrists to the ground.

You wince for a second as you get thrown back down, then glare up at the purple-haired man, who is approaching the Joestar.

The brunett, amongst his wailing and writhing, suddenly drops and goes quiet, causing your eyes to widen. Gritting your teeth, you struggle in an attempt to force yourself to pull your arms through the hardened feathers, but the pain is just too unbearable. It didn't help that there were barbs pointing downwards into your limbs.

"Damn it... JoJo, hang in there! You better not fucking die just yet!" You hiss through your clenched teeth.

Kars takes a step forward, commencing his final attack.

"No, don't! Stop it, Kars! Don't hurt him, please!" Now you were getting desperate, wriggling around in your helpless position. "I'll stay with you and do anything you want! Please, just don't hurt anybody!"

The man couldn't help but grin at your words. "Oh my, whatever happened to the strong facade you were putting up just earlier?" He questions. You don't answer. You couldn't. "You were always sympathetic to those below us, (y/n). And that's what made me so intrigued by you. But you and I both know not everything can have mercy. Especially anyone who defies me."

The man inhales, charging up his Hamon, and begins to strike down on Joseph.

You then think up of the idea to harden your skin and fuse it with the feather, enabling you to lift both your arms and said weapons of Kars up from the rock. Jumping up, you pull them out and Sprint over to Kars and JoJo.

Right as Kars was about to land a hit full of Hamon, the Brit suddenly places his hand between the two of them, with the Super Aja right in his palm. The stone causes a ray of Hamon to shoot into the ground, to which the former vampire freezes at.

"T-The Red Stone is a Hamon amplifier." Joseph rasps.

The ground starts to rumble as you tackle Kars from behind. "Shit! JoJo! Take Stroheim and-" But you're too late. The volcano you're all in erupts, launching you, JoJo, and Kars up into the sky.

"S-Such tremendous force!" The purple-haired being states from beside you.

All three of you were basically stuck to the surface of the slab as it soars higher and higher.

"But do you think a little eruption will be enough to get rid of me, JoJo?" He then gets on his feet, sprouting wings. "I'll become a bird to escape! Goodbye forever, JoJo!"

Before he could make his escape, though, an arm suddenly flies up to Kars, grabbing him by the neck.

"Bless our Mother Earth! It shot my arm all the way up here!" Joseph exclaims with glee before pointing. "Now, Kars! Your line is, 'Did you plan this, too, JoJo?!'"

"Did you plan this, too..." He starts, but is cut off by several pieces of rock whizzing past you and shooting him farther up into the sky. "Did you plan this, too, JoJo?!"

The nineteen-year-old holds up a fist, giving a prideful smirk. "What do you think?! I planned every little detail! I stacked the whole deck!"

You couldn't help but internally scoff, knowing Joseph's just saying it to get on Kars' nerves even more. But it's too early of a celebration. A sudden tug at your ankle quickly catches your attention as you look down to see what it was. Kars seemed to have extended his arm into a tentacle-like appendage, wrapping the very tip around your leg before pulling you away.

"(Y/n)!" Your ally calls out to you, extending an arm in a futile attempt to keep you from returning to Kars. However, he begins to slow down, and eventually starts descending back to Earth.

You try to pry Kars' makeshift arm off of you, but his grip just tightens as he reels you in closer, the two of you flying farther and farther out of the planet's atmosphere.

"Listen to me, (y/n)!" He yells, taking hold of your arms. "We can rule the world together! We just need to stay together and-"


Your voice halts him in the middle of his sentence as he notices your expression. A soft, melancholic smile, full of regret and guilt.

"I really do regret telling you my dream." You quietly tell him, glancing down and intertwining your hands together. "If I hadn't have done so, maybe we could have lived a simpler, more peaceful life. A life where we all could be happy, and where everyone is still alive."

Picking your gaze up back to him, you say, "Just stop all of this, Kars. Please."

The being's whole form seems to relax slightly, and you use this to untangle yourself from him, gently pushing away and falling back down.

Noticing the lack of your presence, Kars snaps out of his daze, attempting to follow you to Earth. But the conditions outside of the atmosphere render him unable to do so, as his body begins freezing up.

He then looks down at his hand, relishing in the lingering warmth of your hand, before feeling something poke the inside. With the last of his strength, he opens up his palm, finding a single white flower all too familiar to him.

Soon, the flower, too, froze, stuck to his hand for eternity.

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