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A/n: Woah, I'm back from a long-ass hiatus?? Go figure. Lol, anyways, uh, sorry for the long wait. I've finally decided to update, but I can't guarantee this will last long. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the book. Thanks for those who had faith in me until now lol!

"What a disaster!" JoJo panicked, pulling his own hair. "I only said one month as a bluff, but they took it seriously!"

"That's what you get for being a dumbass." You responded.

"I should've said one year!"

"Hey, JoJo..." Caesar spoke up, "Quit screwing around! Start thinking!"

"I-I am thinking!" He answered, putting his arms down.

You noticed, from the corner of your eye, Caesar pouring some water in a cup. At first, you thought nothing of it until he took said cup and flipped it upside down. Not a single drop fell.

"The water isn't falling!" The brunette exclaimed as you let out a whistle.

"JoJo, (y/n), catch!" The Italian said, throwing the glass of water to him and another he had prepared to you. "Hold it like that."

"That's all? Piece of cake."

But once he caught it, a bubbling sound was heard before the water exploded out of the cup.

As for you, it seemed you got it on your first shot. Only for the failure to actually be delayed, soaking your clothes.

"Here's what went wrong." Caesar stated, "The strength of our Hamon is about equal. Maybe (y/n)'s being slightly stronger since she is able to rapidly grow a plant. But JoJo, you always release it in a burst from your palm. And (y/n), you keep a steady flow from throughout your whole hand. That's why the water exploded."

"So, what are we supposed to do, then?" You asked.

"I was releasing Hamon from the tip of my finger alone. Just one point. Using one point creates a vibrating skin that holds the water. Scattering Hamon like you two do wastes energy." He replied, "A squirt gun with a smaller hole shoots farther. Got that, chumps?"

"Who knew he had actual knowledge under all that ego." You whispered, leaning in to Joseph. He snickered in response.

"Listen, both of you. You have to train to control your Hamon completely. That is why we came to Venice, the home of my coach!"

"Oh no! The two words I hate the most are "effort" and "work"!" The protagonist yelled, causing you to laugh.

~ Timeskip ~

"What's this? I thought Venice was a tourist town." The same brown-haired teen questioned as we walked around. "Why would a master of Hamon be here?"

Our trio eventually end up on the outskirts of the floating city.

"Excuse me. We want to go to Air Suplena Island." Caesar requested a gondolier, who seemed to be relaxing in their boat.

When they didn't answer, he continued to persist.

"Gondolier, are you listening?!"

They then turned around, revealing a colombina mask; one of more popular types of masks worn in the Carnival of Venice.

JoJo gasped at the unsettling emptiness of its gaze, and the unnatural smile it had carved into it.

The person under the mask stood and pointed in our direction before one of the paddles suddenly landed on the surface of the water. They jumped and landed on it, yet it kept floating. Ripples emerged from beneath their feet.

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