Maybe you saw her with another woman
Laughing and joking
Drinking heavily in the corner
With their heads held close together
You still think you have a shot with her
Thinking this way will ruin you
You need to stop walking on eggshells when you're near her
Realize this
Drill it into your head
Carve it into your bedpost
Instead of your initials in a heart
Let it be your new motto
Do not let yourself miss her
Do not lie in bed in a quivering heap for days
Wanting someone who is taken is not a disease
So don't treat yourself like a hospital patient
Stop putting Band-Aids over wounds
They need sunlight
You deserve to have your own air now
It's yours
Breathe it in
gas station flowers
Poesiecoming of age poetry by a queer young adult writer. navigating relationships and the coming out process. peak inside the mind of a young woman with a mental illness.