4. The Other Half

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"What a plot twist you were." -unknown
Song: Dream of Love by Cellist Yesle

Ophelia was like sleeping beauty as she laid out in the bed. Her dress and hair fell to the side and her breathing was subtle but even.

Zeus watched her. He couldn't believe what had happened. That he had found his soulmate and that she had fainted. She wasn't what he had expected. She was so delicately small. Nonetheless she was beautiful and he would love her.

Ajax was currently in the council room with her family. While the rest of the councilors had finished the soulmate search and continued the party so no one would think anything was happening. It was common for the king to miss these occasions and to come in and out of parties.

Zeus thought back to when he first made eye contact with her.

He felt so many emotions all at once. It was as if a train had hit him. It seemed like his thoughts were only about her from that point forward. He didn't know he could care for someone without truly knowing them but here he was.

Zeus did notice that when their skin touched the demons in his head became silent. He had never felt such peace in all of his years. So he just continued to hold her hand and watch her.

Ophelia was starting to wake up but remained still. She kept her eyes closed but noted that she was on the most comfortable bed to ever exist and that someone was holding her hand, someone that warmed her entire being.

She twitched slightly. Zeus perked up as did his heart rate.

Ophelia groaned quietly and slowly blinked her eyes open. She was met with a ceiling that had beautiful painted stars on it but quickly realized that is not her ceiling. She sat up in a rush effectively ripping her hand out of Zeus's. She pushed herself back into a headboard.

"Calm down, my little star." Zeus whispered. He didn't want to scare her off. He spoke to her like he would speak to an injured animal.

"W-who are you?" She whispered.

"You don't know me?" He was confused. He didn't do a lot of press but had never met someone who didn't know him at all.

She shook her head with wide eyes.

"I'm Zeus." He said.

"I'm O-Ophelia." She smiled lightly, almost forgetting the situation, almost. "W-why am I h-here?"

He smiled at her. He thought she was adorable.

"You are my soulmate." He said with such pride.

Ophelia thought about it for a moment. She didn't really understand. Yes, she was to wait in line to meet people but everyone told her she would be fine. No one explained what a soulmate was. She knew she felt safe, which was a different feeling than when she met others. Her heart was telling her to get closer to Zeus but her mind told her to stay put. She then thought about her mother, and instantly remembered she had to go home.

"O-okay. W-when can I g-go home?" She asked. Slowly she was starting to unravel herself and move closer to Zeus. It was unintentional just how her body reacted to him.

Zeus didn't like her question and instantly wanted to get mad and yell but decided against it. Carefully he reached out to grab her hand.

"You're going to stay with me." He replied.

Instantly Ophelia thought about her mother. She had promised her to return and if Ophelia broke that promise then she would never be allowed to leave again.

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