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A/N: this story was so ng to be a fan fiction but I decided that, that was for another story. But please be patient, the first chapter isn't very good, and keep reading because my writing gets better and more entertaining :) - 2019

A/N: so its been two years since i finished this story and just wanted to thank everyone for reading, even though my 15 year old self didnt have a clue lmao. anyhoo, thanks for reading it i guess. ily x - 2021

6th year in Hogwarts
It's the beginning to a new year

Draco Malfoy was undoubtedly hot, every girl at Hogwarts wanted some of that dussy (I need to stop Lolol) he was attractive but cruel and unkind, that's what made me loath him so much. He was horrible to me, he called me half-blood which filled me with rage, and he found it hilarious to get under my skin and to make matters worse I was in Slytherin as well so I hardly ever got a break.

My best friends, Tia and Ali, thought that Draco was hot too, and would always try to flirt with him but he ignored them like he did to all his other admirers. I never saw any need to flirt with him. He was just an arrogant git.

Ali and I were walking to the great hall to meet up with Tia for breakfast, Ali sat down next to Tia. I was about to sit when I was shoved by someone's shoulder. Draco of course (; " you should watch where you're going half-blood." he laughed to Crabbe and Goyel " are you serious Malfoy? It's been 6 years and you still can't think of any other insult to give than half-blood, you arrogant git!" I spat " you think you're tough, do ya?" he was getting angry " I think you're a putrid, stuck up, spoiled little rich boy who needs to be put in his place!" I snapped back. Everyone's attention slowly went to us. I heard some of them laughing at Malfoy, probably cause he was getting yelled at by a 'girl's. " Shut up you filthy half-blood!" he obviously showed he was really mad "embarrassed Malfoy?" I said sweetly as I knew I was winning "you'll pay for this half-blood!" he scowled as he left the great hall with his little minions at his side.

The great hall was filled with people cheering. I blushed and took a bow and sat with my friends. They looked at me shocked. "where did that come from" Tia said eyes wide with her mouth open. "Yeah what the fuck, that was great" Ali added. "I've been fed up with his Shit, if no one else is gonna do it, I might as well".

We continued on with other topics, finished our breakfast and decided to go to class early.

We had potions first in the dungeons with snape, I didn't mind, it was my favourite subject. Tia and Ali sat next to each other and I sat in front of them with my chair faced towards them so that we could continue talking before class started.

Everyone arrived to class and snape instructed everyone to pick a partner, Tia and Ali were together (I didn't mind as long as it wasn't with Draco) blaise sat next to me "hey, you wanna be partners?" he asked "yeah sure". Blaise had always been nice to me so I really didn't mind.

I looked around the room to see who everyone was partnered up with, phoenix and Luise, Crabbe and Goyel, pansy and Draco... I glanced over to see Draco giving Blaise the death stare, probably because his bestfriend sat with me instead of him, I laughed quietly, he saw this and got even angrier, that made me laugh again. It was just too easy to piss that kid off.

Blaise and I started talking about our holiday and normal things, we were having a good time, and seeing Draco's face every now and then made it even better to talk to Blaise.

We hadn't done all that much work when snape snapped his wand on my paper. "ahhhh L/N, I see nothing on your page, DETENTION!" there was no point in arguing so I just sat embarrassed. I heard Draco laughing to Crabbe, Goyel and Pansy, I guess so did snape. "and you too, Malfoy!" snape said annoyed. "but sir... " Malfoy whinned. Snape didn't even have to say anything, his silence shut him up. "you will be coming back here after you've finished your classes for the day, now get out of my sight".

"it's all that's half-blood's fault" Draco said quietly under his breath, making Crabbe and Goyel laugh under their breath.

Class ended for the day and we went back to potions, Snape addressed that we would have detention with him tomorrow after dinner.

Draco shoved my arm with his shoulder as he walked to the Slytherin home room, I was going there too but walked slowly so that I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore

I got to the homeroom and went straight to bed, coming back to school mixed with today's events drained me and I fell asleep as soon as I hit my pillow.

I don't really know what to think of this chapter and I don't know if anyone will read it but vote and keep reading I guess.
P.S I'll update soon
Thank ~z

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