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A/N: So I don't really know where I'm going with this story but I'll keep it going, please vote and comment, thanks;)


"hey, I know it looks bad but can we talk in private" I decided that he was worth telling the truth to. "yeah alright" he looked confused and worried.

We went off into a back room that wasn't being occupied "it's a hickey, I guess you've already figured that out, and it's from malfoy" he was fuming "but before you go off. Please let me explain".

"Ok, explain" he crossed his arms "ok" I took a deep breath "when malfoy and I have detention we kinda started making out a few times, and I thought it meant something to him but that's all he wanted, so I told him to leave me alone, if he didn't want to be with me, and I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you'd feel differently, and not want to date me, I'm sorry, I didn't know he did that to my neck" Blaise's eyes still looked angry but not at me anymore.

"blaise?" I said worried "I'm gonna kill him" with a blank expression he stormed off outside, while I was trying to catch up "blaise stop, what are you going to do" he wouldn't listen to me because all he saw was Malfoy. Malfoy turned around and smiled at blaise but it soon dropped when he saw how angry blaise was.

"blaise, what's up?" Malfoy asked before I could see what was going to happen blaise had smashed his fist against malfoys face, he went straight to the ground. "dude what the fuck!" Malfoy looked up holding his nose that was now covered in blood. "BLAISE! STOP!" I called out running up to them. But it seemed my voice provocated him more and he came down on Malfoy again, only this time Malfoy was fighting back "GUYS STOP, please" tears were falling down my face now.

Someone from a near by shop had come running out and yelled a spell ripping them from each other. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER!" blaise yelled at Malfoy before storming off to Hogwarts "y/n, are you ok?" Malfoy stood up and looked down at me "am I ok?" I was trembling from what had just happened "I'm fine, are you ok?" "I guess I'll be alright, what ticked him off so much anyway" he asked still confused to why he had been so randomly attacked "well....." his eyebrow lifted.

I told him everything and he seemed upset that I'd agreed to date him but I feel like we need a bit of time from each other to fully calm down. "come on, I'll take you to the hospital wing, you've gotta get cleaned up" "how about you clean me up" he smirked "that's not happening, after what just happened I wouldn't risk you being near me, I'll take you to the hospital wing and I'm be on my way, ok?" "ugh, fine, whatever" he groaned.

Sluggishly he rested his arm on my shoulder as we walked the rest of the way back to Hogwarts.

"Madam Pomfrey?" I called out as I put Malfoy on an empty bed in the hospital wing. "tsktsktsk, just had another one come in looking like you, he just left, typical hormonal boys"  madam pomfrey groaned "ok Malfoy, I'm gonna go" I said to him as madam Pomfrey cleaned his face "can I see you later?" he grabbed my arm "I guess so, when?" I asked "in three hours, be at the common room and bring warm clothes"

I didn't really understand what he was referring to when he told me to bring warm clothes but I wasn't going to argue.

Three hours had past and I was sitting in the common room by the fire in my warmest pajamas, sitting with a blanket around me. Everyone had gone to bed now and I hadn't seen blaise since he fought with Malfoy, I was still in shock, I didn't think that blaise could snap like that.

"you ready?" a familiar voice called out from behind her "yeah, where are we going?" I asked as we walked out of the common room "it's a surprise" was all he said, I didn't say anything else but just filled behind him, he stopped and looked back at me, he reached out his hand for mind and I grabbed it gratefully.

Even though he can be an ass he had a way of making me feel like I was really special and that I meant more than just a hookup.

By this time we had been walking for about thirty minutes, and I was beginning to get nervous that we were going to get cought by filch or Mrs norris, Malfoy noticed "nearly there, don't worry" his reassurance actually helped calm me down, I had no idea where we were going though he seemed to know exactly where to go.

After another 10 or so minutes of walking up stairs we reached a door and walked in. "is this the astronomy tower? It's so beautiful at night" my breath had been taken away, the stars where so bright from here and it was something you can't see from down on the ground

The blanket I had resting around my shoulders was really nice and I could see why he told me to dress warm, it was pretty chilly up here.

"hey, I'm sorry I caused you and baise to fight" I said as I sat down "no, I'm the asshole who came on to you when you clearly didn't want me there, sorry about that" we sat in silence for a while "hey, it's really nice up here, thank you for taking me" "well I had to apologize properly, hey, what's your favourite flower?" he asked out of the blue "um, I like sunflowers and daisy's, I guess". "any chocolates, candles, perfumes you really like?" "well I like any chocolate, as does everyone else. And candles are my favourite thing in the world, they smell so good and give such a pretty light. As for perfumes, I only use one, and I don't like any others, why?" "cause I might want to give you something sometime, and I don't want it to be something you don't like"

When he wasn't sucking up to his ego, he was really sweet and fun to be around, and I couldn't help but to still have feelings for him.

"hey, it's getting late, should we head back?" I asked "why don't we stay here it's a really nice night, and we have a blanket to keep warm, what do you say" "oh alright, but only because I'm too tired to go all the way back" he smiled when I agreed.

We talked for a while longer before I feel asleep lying next to him. He was so warm and he made me feel safe.


A/N: so this chapter was eventful... And cheesy as, oml I need to stap, but anyway, keep reading and I'll update soon :)

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