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A/N: I'll end the story soon, maybe chapter 15, there will be a nasty scene but that's just because I feel like I need to write one, just so that it's not so awkward for my next story. But I'll try and keep this story good :)

"Wake up! Common we've gotta go and get our dresses before they're all gone" destiny yelled waking both me and blaise. "gees, it's 6 in the morning, tone it down, would ya?" blaise said rubbing his eyes "okay, okay, give me a minute" I said pulling myself up "did you tell the other girls?" she asked me "oh, yeah I told them the other day, we just have to get ready" I reassured her, she nodded and we both gathered our things, we had to go back to our dorms to get ready so we went our separate ways before we would meet up out side.

"oii, you two, wake up!" I ditched pillows at Tia and Ali, who were both still sleeping "we've gotta go in a minute" they both woke up in a shock, I decided to go get ready, they slowly did the same.

I was getting ready, dressed to impress, if I do say so myself, got everything together and the girls looked good too, they said they were going to meet up with their boyfriends after. It was funny, not long ago they were all drooling over Draco, I thought he was an asshole and it was fun mocking him, and now they've both got boyfriends and maybe soon Draco will ask me to be his girlfriend.

"common, we've gotta go before all the dresses are gone you two". I sat there waiting for them. They took there time but we all came outside.

"now I hope everyone has their permission slips, with a parents signature?" professor McGonagall asked everyone, my heart sank "guys, I don't have one, and my mum can't sign it, she's in Romania, what do I do?" I whispered to all three of them. they looked at me annoyed "y/n, I told you about this" Tia said "I know but I forgot, and I presumed that when we got older it wouldn't matter as much, maybe if I tell McGonagall she'll be sympathetic?" I worriedly said to them "well you've gotta try then" destiny nudged me.

"Professor McGonagall?" I said sweetly "I don't have my form signed, is there anyway I can go without one? I know that it's inconvenient and all but my mum would have said yes, she trusts me" she looked down at me with a straight face "no note, well I'm sorry but I can't allow you to go today, if I said yes then I would have to let everyone else to go who also doesn't have a note, I'm sorry y/n. NOW,  EVERYONE WITH A NOTE, FOLLOW ME!" she raised her voice so that everyone who was going could follow her.

I looked at the girls with a disappointed look. "don't worry, I'll make one, I have Muggle mother,shes a seamstress, I've learnt somethings.
you guys go on without me" I called out to them. They looked at each other sadly but went along with everyone else. I sighed. "what am I going to wear then?" I said to myself.

I went back inside, there was not a girl insight because they had all gone dress shopping, I hope the girls get the dresses they want. "hey, what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be dress shopping?" the twins came up to me "oh, I forgot to get a note signed, it's fine, I can probably make one, I've got two weeks till the ball so I should be able to make something before then, what you guys up to?" I said now looking at them suspiciously "oh, just, you know, going to go put die in the girls shampoo, wanna join?" they asked "well Ive gotta get started on my dress but I don't see why not".

The smiled and lead the way to the gryffindor common room. I had never been inside and it was really different, more brightly decorated, the slytherin common room was darker and dull, but I guess it suited our personalities. They lead the way up one of the stair cases and peered a head inside to check if anyone was in there. There wasn't and they handed me a bottle "just put a drop into each of the girls shampoo".

"alright, this is going to be good, then after this I want to get back at pansy for being a bitch" they smiled "finally, you've come over to the dark side" they laughed as I put a drop in each of the shampoos "just before the ball, this is going to be perfect, we should do this for every girl in this school and I'll be the only one without it, sorry girls" we all laughed "we know all the passwords to each common room, so this'll be easy" Fred said smiling.

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