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A/N: I don't really know what to write anymore, so I'll probably end the story soon but not just yet. Just to let you know now, but I'll keep it going for now :)

It had been a week since I got amnesia and I felt better really quick, I had made new friends (destiny, Fred and George) and Draco and I had gotten closer. I knew that I had just been with blaise not long ago, but if I'm being honest, I kind of only liked him as a friend and I didn't want to put him through that again, I told him this and thankfully he understood and we became good friends again.

"common, we're going to go study somewhere else today" draco said, holding books in his hand while standing in the door to the infirmary. He still had classes to go to so I only saw him after school had ended and on weekends, it was fine though, destiny kept me company and and when I wasn't with Draco I was either with Tia and Ali or Destiny, Fred and George.

"where we going?" I stood up quick as I saw draco start to walk off, I had to run after him "just somewhere different" he was always so mysterious, for no reason, but it did keep me on my toes and everytime I was with him it was a surprise.

We walked for a while and came to the slytherin common room. "what are we doing here?" I asked puzzled "well, you've been doing really well with studying so I thought we'd do something just you and me" he turned to me "oh, what are we doing then" I got excited "close your eyes" I blushed but did as he said we put his hands on my shoulders so that he could lead me "take a step" he said with a husky voice into my ear, I missed and he sighed "oh, you're bloody useless, keep your eyes shut" he wisked me up in one easy go carrying bridle style, it felt like we were going up stairs.

He put me down "hand on, keep your eyes closed, almost ready...ok you can open them" I opened my eyes and the room was filled with candles and he had my favourite flowers everywhere. I looked around in awe, I was in his room and he had done everything so nicely, he even remembered my favourite flower, I mean what a cliche (we love a cliche though(;) I kept looking around, it was just perfect.

"draco, this is so cheesy, and cliche, but really cute, thank you" I said staring at him lovingly. he had the biggest smile, I really loved when he smiled like that, it was such a rare sight, but it made my heart flutter.

"glad you like it, come here" he sat down and patted the spot next to him. I walked over and stood there staring down at him, he looked so cute looking up at me. "common" he grabbed my arm and pulled me down to him. "wow" I said in shock, he looked at me worried, he thought he hurt me, then when he realised I was fine he just stared at me.

"why you staring, see something you like" I said in a sassy voice, remembering the day I got him into detention. he smirked, cupped my face and gave me a small kiss. "you'll pay for that half-blood" he said softly, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "hey, sorry, I know you don't like that name" he said realizing I had turned my head from him.

He put a finger to my chin and turned it back to him "do you want to go to the ball with me y/n?" my eyes widened as he said this "really, you wanna go with me? But I thought that you didn't want anyone to see us together?" I said raising an eyebrow "I don't care about that anymore, I care about you and I would really love it if you went with me, what do you say?" "finally, took you long enough" I said excitedly and he rolled his eyes before he pulled me into another passionate kiss. The kiss got a little steamy as we had both taken off our shirts and I was sitting on him his lap kissing him. After a while we must have both thought that it was either get naked or just stop there, I had pulled back and he seemed fine with it. I had turned around so that I could get my shirt but he pulled me back down by the waist and brought me into a cuddle.

He was so warm and together, it made it really comfortable. We joked to each other for ages and and he was never pushy, never did anything I didn't want to do and we were really good friends even if we were making out most of the time.

"hey, I gotta go, it's getting late and Madam Pomfrey is going to be on my ass again for being out late" I said as I reached out for my shirt "alright" he said sighing "can I at least walk you back?" he asked "well you might be seen with me, are you sure?" I said putting my shirt back on "oh yeah, that's right, yeah maybe you should just go back by yourself then" he said plainly, and my expression dropped "gees, I'm kidding, I told you, I don't care about what others think, when it comes to you, I feel like I can be myself" my face obviously brightened up as he smiled back, he always seemed to smile when I smiled, so I decided I'd do it more just so that I could see his perfect Malfoy smile.

He put his shirt on and we went walked back to the infirmary, he had grabbed the books so that if I needed anything I could just have them on hand. Other students looked at us and whispered things to each other, Draco seemed to notice and acted nervous "hey, don't worry about what they're saying, it's just something they've never seen before, here" I reach out my hand for his and he grabbed mine and instantly became more confident.

His hand in mine, we walked about the castle and it was the best thing, I finally didn't have to hide my feelings for him and he seemed to have the same feeling.

Walking up to the infirmary we kept talking, I had really gotten to know him lately and today was just perfect, I had gotten to know another side to him that I never thought he had, it made me feel really special.

In the door way of the infirmary I was going to walk in but he pulled me back and gave me another passionate kiss, this time it felt like he never wanted to let go. I had to pulled myself from him but not before I gave him a really quick peck and ran into the infirmary before he could grab me again and I rand to my bed where Destiny had been waiting.

"bloody hell, you two were gone for ages, I got bored here all alone, and the twins were in detention so they couldn't come and save me either, at least tell me you scored one with that hunky peice of meat then" he joked while giving me a wink "Shut up, we aren't the only ones in here anymore"  I pointed over to a boy on the other side who had a broken nose "hey isn't, that, wait, that's blaise" I sat up in shock "Blaise?!" I called out and he looked up confused.

"what happened to your nose" I walked over to him, and so did destiny, we both looked at him and he seemed confused. "oh, yeah that's right, this is the infirmary, yeah, I smacked my nose when I was trying out for quidditch and got knocked out" "gees, that was pretty stupid now wasn't it" destiny said before I could, he looked up at her and laughed "he what's your name, don't think I've met you before?" he asked her ignoring that was here "Destiny, I know you're obviously by the amount of times y/n had been saying how bad she felt about what happened, it's kinda annoying to be honest" she looked at me annoying obviously letting me know I needed to tone it down a little. I lifted my arms up in defence and they both laughed.

"hey, y/n, we still on for ball dress shopping tomorrow?" she turned to me "oh yeah, almost forgot, yeah definitly" I replied "awesome, we're gonna be the best dressed and everyone's gonna drool" she winked at me. "good, but I still want to be able to move cause we're going to be dancing all night" I started to dance on the spot showing them some very stupid moves. They laughed because they knew I wasn't being serious.

Destiny and I brought out beds over to blaise and we talked all night, destiny and blaise seemed to hit it off and I was really happy about it, don't know why but they just seemed to click. I feel asleep listening to them talk, while thinking about how Draco had made me feel so special.

A/N: so I'm not really proud of this chapter but I just wanted to have some cliche Shit happen. And that romantic stuff is just nice so I was all for it. Also destiny, enjoy that little thing you have with blaise, I had to give you someone so here ya go boo thang. Please vote and comment :)

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