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A/N: just want to let you know that I haven't been reading over anything so if something doesn't make sense or if something is miss spelt, I'm sorry and I'll fix it when I finish the story, any hoo, keep reading :)


Draco pov

Waking up with my arms around her was the best feeling, she was so warm, that I slept like a baby. Trying not to wake her up I lifted my arm from her side and sat up so that I was facing the sunrise.

In that light I looked down at her, she was so beautiful, so stress free, so peaceful. I pushed back a lock of her hair behind her ear and she started to stir.

"morning, gorgeous" I said meaning it. She was still trying to figure out where she was and who she was with. "oh-hey, morning" saying with her morning voice "look at it" she said as she sat up to look at the sunrise "I've never seen it from up here before, it's so beautiful" I looked at her, her hair was messy, and the sun shinning on her soft shin made me melt "it sure is" as I looked at her.

"thank you for last night Malfoy. It meant a lot" she turned her head to look at me "it meant a lot to me too, I'm glad you agreed to come, is there anything you want to do today?" she looked confused to me asking but I was serious "well what did you have in mind?" she asked in her normal sweet voice "well, I remember hearing you talking about quidditch a while ago and was wondering if you wanted me to teach you a little, I know I quit in second year after that potter boy, but after that I practiced a lot in my spare time so I've become better, would you like to do that with me today?" her face brightened up "yes, I've always wanted to play quidditch, when?!" she said excitedly "how about 12:30, that way we've had lunch and I know that the quidditch field isn't being used today, they never practice on Sundays" "yes, I'd love that".

I don't know what it was about her but she made me want to be good, made me kind to her, I was confused to why she was in slytherin, I would expect hufflepuff of ravenclaw but slytherin? But there was something that made me keep coming back, she was so sweet to everyone, and I think I'm warming up to her, maybe even something more....

Y/N pov

When malfoy and I got to the bottom of the stair case, I looked at him with a big smile on my face. He had the same, it was so strange, it looked real,  I've never seen him smile like that, it was really nice, and I wished he'd smile more often. We both walked back to the common room together, knowing that no one would be awake yet and went back up to our dorms, getting ready for they day. So glad it's Sunday. I thought to myself.

I sat down on my bed "look who it is" I looked over to see Tia glaring at me with a motherly look of concern "I've heard all types of stories, what happened? And while you're at it, where have you been?" "just in the bathroom" I tried to make up an excuse "all night, maybe you should stop eating dairy? Yeah I'm not buying, what happened?"

By this time Ali had woken up as well, and was all ears to hear about my disappearance.

"I was with Malfoy in the astronomy tower" I said simply. Their mouths dropped. "how'd you manage to snag Malfoy, he ignores everyone, you especially?" Ali said "hold up, wait wait wait, werent you snogging blaise yesterday?" Tia reminded. After all that happened I had forgot about blaise, and I sudden feeling of guilt fell over me, I had just spent the night with the very person we had broke up over.

I told them everything, they were a good audience, they gasped at the right times and they listened to what I said.

"Ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyy got" said Ali "daymn, well all I gotta say is that you can't go straight to Malfoy because blaise will be crushed, and I think you should talk to blaise" Tia encouraged "yeah I know, I feel really bad now, and I honestly don't fully trust Malfoy, so I'll take my time and if it goes somewhere it goes somewhere. But all I can hope for is that blaise can forgive me".

We went down for breakfast as usual, we stayed on the further end of the table away from blaise and Malfoy didn't show up for breakfast, it was strange but I quickly forgot about it as the girl spoke about their new boy toys. 

Anthony is really sweet, he's in ravenclaw so he's really smart, and we get along really well, when he asked me to be his girlfriend I was like, bitch what, and then I was like, fuck yeah, then we kinda went back to Hogwarts and made out in the hall, it was so weird but bloody hell, he's hot, even hotter than Malfoy" hearing his name made me think about the night we spent together, he was so sweet, a side I had not seen often but I really hoped I could get used to. (sorry Ali this is awkward for me to write ngl) "so Tia, about you and Dean, how longs that been going on?" I stared at her with my head resting in my palms to show full attention.

"well, I've liked him for a while, he's really cute (ngl, when I first watched Harry Potter I thought he was fine as Frick) and he's asked me to be his girlfriend, we've been talking for a while, but I didn't want anyone to know about it, sorry I didn't tell you guys" Tia explained. I looked at her, gave a smile and punched her in the arm hard "thats for not telling me that you even had a crush on him, also" I punched her again and she rubbed her arm "that's for letting me find out by seeing you snog eachother" she hit me back "well that was for embarrassing me yesterday when I was with him you crack-whore" we all laughed and went on to other things.

Before lunch I had a fair bit of time, so I decided to catch up on a lot of homework that I had been putting off, I've been struggling with school work lately so I just didn't do it, but I had to occupy my time somehow and I actually started learning a lot more. I knew that I needed help though to I signed up for getting a tutor.

Lunch came around and I was starving, the homework I had been doing kept my mind busy and I nearly forgot about meeting up with Malfoy.

I said bye to the girls as I walked off to the quidditch field, no one was there so I was glad, I brought my broom with me so that we could get straight into it, Malfoy wasn't there yet so I decided to practice flying, I hadn't since third year so I was a little rusty at first then I felt I was getting the hang of it, I looked down to see Malfoy looking up at me in awe, I was showing off at this point, when I lost control and began to come flying down to the ground.


A/N: I have to have a way to start the next chapter somehow. Don't judge. Please vote and comment, Okie dokie, I'll write my next chapter soon:)

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