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A/N: just want to remind you that I've decided that I feel too awkward to write a nasty ff, also because I've gotten all my mates to read it, but still, enjoy :)

"how did you guys find that secret passage?" I asked in awe "well if we told you then it wouldn't be secret now would it?" Fred said with a smirk "how many passages are there?" I asked "well so far we've found 122 but there's no doubt more" George replied "oh sorry, I'm y/n, by the way" "Fred and George at your service" the two red heads said in unison.

"I feel like I remember you two, always up to no good?" "well we do solemnly swear by it" they said together giving me a wink "oh shut up you two, she's just got out of the infirmary, she doesn't need the excitement of you two flirting with her" Destiny cut in noticing them staring at you "I don't remember this place but, for some reason I just knew there was a lake here" "yeah it's real nice, we come out here when we get bored of snape, he's so dull" I laughed at their honesty.

"so, you friends with that Malfoy kid then y/n?" asked destiny "from what I've been told, he's going to tutor me soon as well, so that'll be different" I sat down looking over at the lake, they joined me "just be careful, he can be a real Twat sometimes" destiny said "yeah I know, just he seems to be real smitten with me, yeah well I don't really know, we seem to be good friends" I replied.

"so did you hear about the ball coming up soon, it's in three weeks and we've decided to go together, more fun that way, you going?" destiny asked "oh, nah, I didn't hear about it, I guess I can go, shouldn't be a problem" I replied "well if you don't have someone taking you then come along with us, I like you and these two buffoons seem to like you too" I looked over at them "yeah that would be awesome" I said in a high pitch voice that made all of us chuckle.

"even if you don't go with us, do you wanna go dress shopping with me next week, just a girl thing?" she glared at the boys who frowned to not being invited "yeah, that would be great, and ill bring Tia and Ali as well so you can meet them, they're chill,  you'll like them" she smiled in agreeance.

We all sat there for a while talking, it started to get cold and the sun was going down so we decided that our fun would end for the night. We made it back up the passage way and went into the infirmary where Malfoy sat arms crossed and looking worried yet furious. I looked over at destiny who gave me an apologetic look as she took her spot on her bed and I gestured for him to come out here to talk. He did and I was in for it.

"where the hell have you been, I've been worried sick, you've got amnesia and you decide to walk around, something could have happened to you, don't you realise that I care for you?!" he growled at me waiting for a reply "excuse me? I am old enough to look after myself, thank you very much, I don't need you acting like my father". I snapped back. He sighed "yeah sorry, I just got worried, are you ok?" he went from furious to caring "I'm fine, I was with my new friends" he looked over to destiny in the bed who smiled at him innocently, he smiled back but it was obviously fake.

"can we go for a walk, I feel like we haven't spoken in a long time, and I miss you?" he reached out a hand "yeah sure" I grabbed his.

We were walking around school, it didn't really feel that similar to me but we walked slow enough for me to memories where we had been. "can I take you somewhere?" he asked looking down at me "yeah sure, just make sure we aren't gone too long" he grabbed hold of my hand again and guided me up a stair case, it felt like we were walking for hours when we finally got to the top.

This place over looked the entire castle of Hogwarts and it was truly breathtaking. I gasped at the view. "hey I think I've been here before" I told him while taking in the view "you have...with me" I looked back at him "it's so beautiful" I said. "that's what you said the first time I took you up here, and again I'll say, not a beautiful as you" I looked into his dreaming silver eyes and felt myself feel warm and fuzzy.

"Malfoy.." "please, call me Draco" "draco, I really appreciate this, thank you" I felt myself feeling myself melt in his presence. I turned back around to his myself from blushed but he just turned be back to face him, he cupped my face and whispered "I've missed this" he then pulled me towards him and started kissing me, I couldn't help but to do the same. His lips were so soft, then he began to deepen the kiss and pushed me up against the wall, I gasped from the force.

Suddenly I remembered the time that we were up here together and the night we spent talking. I pushed him back still holding onto his arms "I remember being up here with you" his eyes widened with delight, and he lifted me up with ease, spinning me around "thank Merlin, I was getting worried that you'd have completely forgotten me" he pushed a lock of hair behind my ear to look at my face. "I just want let you know, that you...you are the only one for me y/n, no one else, I've liked you since first year, and I'm so sorry for all the times I bullied you" memories came flooding in, I had remembered everything and let go of his arms "that's right, you were an absolute asshole to me, what the hell Malfoy?" I snarled "no, I'm sorry y/n, I really am, please forgive me" he pleaded "lol, gotcha bitch, that was payback, you should have seen your face" I said laughing at him.

"little Shit" he replied and began to kiss me passionately again, tracing the back of my neck with his thumbs, and he began to travel down from my jaw to my collarbone, he was so Gental yet the way he did it was a complete tease and I bring him back up so that our lips met each other again.

He pulled himself away from me "that's enough for today, can't trust myself" he said before he gave me a quick peck on the lips before reaching out his hand so that we could leave.

We got back down to the infirmary and I was about to walk back in before he pulled me in for another quick kiss, I had to push him off because destiny had looked away to give us some privacy. "I'll see you tomorrow, our tutor lessons start then" he gave me one last peck before he let go and went the in other direction from which me came.

I walked in with a big smile on my face "so, you've been busy haven't you?" destiny called out bringing me out of my thoughts "oh that, Psshhh" I waved my arm out jokingly, we both laughed and I sat back down on my bed, madam Pomfrey came out and looked at us, I thought she was going to growl but she just rolled her eyes, she didn't seem in the mood to care about what some teen girls were doing with there time.

Madam Pomfrey left and destiny and I were the only ones left in the infirmary. We ran around jumping on the other beds and even though she had a broken arm she seems fine "so I remember everything, but I don't really feel like going back to class so I reckon I'll just stay here" I said smiling at my new friend "good, cause I'm gonna be here for another two weeks, so you better stay" she said sitting down on her bed, we were obviously done for the night and just hopped back into bed panting from our childish games. We stayed up not that long before she feel asleep and I was just grateful that I had a new friend so that I wouldn't be so bored, and I thought about draco. He made me heart flutter and just think about him made me smile.

A/N: so here's another chapter, I felt really awkward writing it but there hasn't been any action in a while so enjoy, make sure you vote and comment bye :)

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