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Alexa's POV:

I can't believe it! Tonight was the night I was finally going to see 5 Seconds Of Summer! I've known and loved them for almost 2 or 3 years! The whole ride to the arena was so exciting! It wasn't really a long ride so I just kept grinning widely like an idiot the whole ride and jumping up and down car seat.

When we arrived there my parents told me goodbye and said they'll pick me up when the concert is over. When dad came up to me, he hugged me so tightly that I kind of chocked and I let out a gasp trying to get air, then he released his tight grip on me.

"I love you honey! I love you so much! Don't ever forget that! And I will definitely miss you baby girl!" he started tearing up, and a tear managed to escape his eyes.

Standing there confused, I said " Dad it's only a concert! I'll see you in a few hours. And I love you too, and know you love dada! I'll see you later!" I said kissing him on the cheek and hugging him, then skipping off to the security and have them my ticket, and I walk in to the arena.

As I walked in I realized how big the arena was. It could actually fit 50,000 people in there, or probably even more! LIKE DAMN!

I got to my seat in the front row, and I saw a few girls there waiting too. I looked over at them and smiled, they smiled back. They seem nice.

Then one of the girl approached me." Hi I'm Carla! And over there is my sister Leya" pointing to a tall blonde pretty girl. I smile at Leya she smiled back." And that's Dannie, Terissa, and Melanie" she said pointing to a short girl with black hair, then a short brunette, then a really tanned girl with dirty blonde curly hair. I waved at them, they waved back.

"Nice meeting you guys! I'm Alexa!" I said.

" Hi Alexa" they all said in unison, except for Dannie she said "HEYO POTATO" I giggled at Dannie's greetings. This is going to be a fun night.

"Do you want to come and stand with us Alexa?" Carla asked me.

"Would I? Of course I would GURL!" I said with such enthusiasm . They all giggled, and we started getting to know each other better.


The concert finally started, and the boys ran up on stage and started singing their songs in this sequence:



-lost boy

-tomorrow never dies

-independence day

-heartache on the big screen

-American idiot


-don't stop

-close as strangers

-beside you

-gotta get out

-out of my limit

And ended it by their hit single

-she looks so perfect

After the concert ended, the girls and I exchanged numbers and promised each other that we'd text each other soon. We said our goodbyes, and I went outside waiting for my parents.

After a while, I realized that my parents hadn't come yet, and the arena was almost empty!

After waiting another 30 minutes my mom showed up with my suitcase and my dad behind her with red puffy eyes. I was so confused, so I waited to see what she was going to say.

"Hello darling!" she started." You're probably wondering why your suitcase is with me now! Well your dad and I decided that we don't need you anymore. In other words, here's your suitcase and you can stay here if you want to as long as I don't see your face. BYYEEE"she said with an evil look on her face, and an evil laugh escaped her lips. She then turned around and took dad by his hand and they went into a cab and drove off.

I sat on the cold pavement, crying my eyes out, sobbing uncontrollably, and letting out inhumane noises. Then I found a shadow towering over me. OH SHIT I thought to myself!


After the amazingly well concert had finished, we decided to relax a bit an not leave the arena until it was empty from all the fans.

After about 30-40 minutes, the arena was empty, so we gathered our stuff and left.

As we were getting closer to car, I kept hearing the voice of a little girl crying and sobbing. That was until we reached the car, I indeed saw a little girl curled up on the pavement crying and sobbing uncontrollably, and letting out  weird noises.

I walked up to her, and sat down next to her on the cold pavement. She looked at me with red bloodshot puffy eyes and said.

"Y-You're C-C-Calum H-H-Hood" she stuttered

"Yeah I am! Are you a fan?" she nodded."Do you wanna tell ol CalPal what's making my little fan sad?" I said, she let out a small chuckle then a sob.

I pulled her closer to me, and hugged her as she sobbed into my shirt.

"C'mon let me take you to the car!" she nodded. "Is that your suitcase?" I asked, she also nodded. I helped her up and took her to the car.

I sat her down on my lap as she sobbed into my shirt, the other guys giving me weird looks.

"She's a fan, and she was crying." I explained to them. they nodded.

"Do you wanna tell me now what's wrong......umm..."

I was cut off by her saying "Alexa"

Then she explained the whole thing, so I got a napkin and whipped her makeup off and saw the bruise she had, to be honest I was really shocked at the thought that her own mother would do that. After that she was fast asleep.

"Hey guys! I got an idea!" I said

"What is it Calum?" Michael asked.

" We can adopt Alexa! she's turning 16 so that's pretty easy to deal with and her parents did leave her and told her to deal with herself! so why not?" I explained

"Yeah we could" they all replied in unison. We then all smiled like idiots.

"Hey Calum?" Luke said

"Yeah Luke?"

"Alexa looks a lot like you!" he said

I looked at her and realized she really did look like me. " maybe you should be her dad" he continued

"Yeah maybe I should" I replied and smiled.

When we arrived home, I held Alexa bridal style and placed her on my bed and slept next to her, then drifted off into a deep sleep.






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