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Alexa's POV:

I woke up in the morning at like 10 am and remembered that I'd be spending my day with Calum and Ashton.

So I rolled out of bed and went to take a shower. I washed my apple and mango shampoo, scrubbed my body with peanut butter body wash, applied my conditioner, then rinses of all the foam off me. I drapped a towel over my body and went back to my room. As I looked in the body length mirror and started thinking to myself

God I'm so...ugh! I'm so fat and ugly! Why would anyone want me! I just your average fat and ugly sixteen year old whose parents left her . I'm so worthless! I'm so useless! I'm a no good person! Why would anyone love me? Why should anyone love me? I'm terrible? Why did the boys choose me out of all the girls in the world, then choose me, why? I'm a handful for everyone! No one loves me! No one ever will! I HATED MYSELF SO MUCH! LOOK AT YOURSELF! HOW HORRIBLE ARE YOU! I'm so horrible! Fat! Ugly! Worthless! Useless! No good! Slut! Gold digger! Fuck-up! Retard! Abnormal!

I hurriedly rushed to the bathroom again and got out my blade, then started cutting my wrists and thighs over and over again till blood rushed out of me. I stopped slitting myself, hid my blade again, and put a wet towel over them stopping them from bleeding too much

I went back to my room and picked out a navy and blue half sleeved shirt with black skinnies and my all black converse then put some perfume and bracelets on my arms to keep them from showing.

23 on the right, 28 on the left

I went down and saw Calum and Ashton sprawled across the couches with Calum playing FIFA and Ashton reading his book.

"Hey cal, hey ash!" I said

"Hey Alexa" I heard Ashton say

"Holy crap! You scared me so much right now!" Calum said startled at my existence

"Oops sorry!" I said laughing

"Hey cal, can I play too?" I asked him

"Yeah sure princess, the controller is right here." He said as he started setting up a multiplayer game on his Xbox

We stayed on the couch playing FIFA till like 3 in the afternoon then we decided to watch a movie.

"Monsters INC" Calum and I screamed together then high fived while Ashton wanted to watch Hercules, but we out numbered him.

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