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Alexa's POV:

I woke up at 8:00 am in a different room, bed, and environment. I started panicking on what might of happened yesterday night. I looked at myself, I was still wearing my concert clothes, so that rules out one option. Then I looked to my left and saw a figure sleeping next to me, hearing soft snores and shuffling blankets' noises.

Then suddenly the events from yesterday night started rushing through my mind. I met Carla, Leya, Melanie, Dannie, and Terissa. My parents came to pick me up late with my suitcase with them. I realized what happened. My parents said they don't want to see me anymore and they don't need me, left me standing there in Australia crying on the cold pavement.

I started crying uncontrollably, my knees tucked to my chest and head on my knees crying my eyes out, until I felt someone hugging me pulling me closer to them letting me cry on their shoulder. I looked up and saw Calum rubbing my back in soothing circles trying to calm me down.

"Thanks, for everything Calum." I mumbled with a low voice so that only he can hear me.

"Anything for you Alexa! Why don't you go take a quick shower, change your clothes and come to the living so we can talk and get to know each other better." he replied with a small smile on his face.

"Ok. I will. Thanks again Calum" I said. His smile got bigger.

I got up to my suitcase and got my clothes and went to the shower, I stripped out of my clothes, and got in and took my shower. After I was done drying myself I picked up my black baggy half-sleeved tank, my white shorts with white suspenders and my low navy converse. I dried my hair and tied it into a high ponytail and tied a red plaid jacket around my waist.

I got out of the bathroom, and out into the living room which is a room away from both the kitchen and the backyard. When I got to the living room I saw three-forth of the 5 seconds of summer boys sitting patiently on the couches in the room. I cleared my throat trying to be silent but I couldn't help it, when I did that everyone looked up at me and stood up.

Calum came to me.

"Hey Alexa! We weren't introduced in an official way, so that's what's going to happen now! Oh by the way, nice outfit. I like your sense in fashion!" he said and smiled. I blushed.

"Uh...Thanks.....I umm..umm like....your face."i said then realized what I said and face palmed myself, everyone started laughing and I couldn't help not laughing either. "you know what...never mind! Let's get our introducing on" I said with my face probably as red as a baboon's butt.

"Yeah...okay! So I'm Calum Hood, that's Ashton Irwin, the freaky haired one is Michael Clifford"

"HEEEEEY!" Michael cut Calum off and slapped him on his hand.

"Owieeeee! Damn Bruh!" Calum replied rubbing his arm up and down. I couldn't help but laugh the whole time.

Then someone tapped me on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Luke with the cutest smirk playing on his lips plastered on his adorable face. Then he spoke up.

"And I'm Luke Hemmings!" he said.

The room grew very silent. So then I spoke up.

"And I'm Alexa, feel free to call me Alex, Lexa, Lex, Ale I'll pretty much answer to anything." I said with a small sigh escaping my lips

"Why the glum look Lexa? Is something wrong? You don't like us? Oh my god! don't brake me apaa-aa-aa-aart!" Ashton said dramatically. Everyone started laughing, I just froze in my place looking shocked at Ashton who was kneeling down on the floor fake crying and sobbing with his hand clutching his heart rocking himself back and forth. Then Calum came up to me.

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