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Juilet's pov:

"Argh," I groan as I try to stretch my body but felt really restricted

I open my eyes slowly and look around me. I spot jungkook and jin on either side of me, sleeping. How did I get back home? I heard a knock on my door that cause the two sleeping hybrids to wake up and tighten their grip on me.

"Come in," I call out the best that I can from their tighten grip on me

"Good morning, sweetheart," dad greet me as he kissed my forehead while tried to

"Morning, how did I end up in my room? All I remembered is that I slept at the centre" I ask as I try to get out of their grips

Key word : tried. They kept tightening their grip each time I wanna leave.

"Well, I adopted them right after my discussion with them. We came to an agreement that they'll protect you while I'm away at the office," dad explain

"You adopt them and now, they're like my guardians when you're away?" I said,still not understanding

"They're your mates, Juilet. They are suppose to protect and love you, anyway. That's why yesterday they call you little one since it was their instinct to call you that. It's like you are their wife to be or bride to be," dad explain, trying suppress his own laughter

A wife to be? Me a wife, ha...that is hilarious even for my dad but by his expression. He's not kidding at all and to prove his point...

"Morning, little one," I heard the two hybrids greet as both of them kiss my cheek

Slowly my cheeks started to feel hot as they slowly look at me with adoration in their eyes. Both of them start to coo at me as they see my flustered face and began to give me kisses all over my face. This makes it ten times as worst as my face gets hotter each time they come close to my lips.

"Alright, that's enough. Come down for breakfast once you're all ready and I want to talk to you about work,"dad said as he left the room

Oh no, he knows about it. I'm so dead and I won't make it out alive this time. I heard soft whimpers from jungkook and jin as they hug me even tighter

"It's okay. let's just go get some breakfast," I said as I try to get out of their grips again

"She's right, c'mon kookie," jin said as he carried me down

"I can walk you know," I pointed out

"Yeah, we know but you're our little one so that means that it's our duty to ensure that you're well taken care of," jungkook said, happily

I sigh as I know that no matter how much I deny this. They will still do it. As soon as we got down, I'm placed on jungkook's lap and being fed by him. I seriously need to get used to this. Wait...no I won't and will I ever. I eventually have to tell them that they should let me do things by myself.

"Sweetheart, I heard that you disobeyed my orders," dad spoke after a while

"Did I?" I acted surprise

"Yes, you did. Cause Lisa told me all about it,"dad said, as he gave me a pointed look

"Sorry dad but I really wanted to do the job and I won't do it again, I promise,"I said, looking down

"It's fine and I bet you won't do it again since you'll be working at the normal hybrid section this time but as an actual worker and not a receptionist," dad said

"What?!?! you're letting me work as care taker for the animals," I said, shock

I jump out of jungkook's lap and rush to my dad's side before either hybrids got a hold of me.

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