♧New Found Stray?♧

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~One week later~

It has been a week since that accident happen. Dad was thinking about me just staying at home so that I'll be safe but I,of course, protested. He then eventually allowed me to continue working but just as long as no more surprises happen and that the three hybrids protect me from any danger in which they agree, happily. I for one, never expect to be the little one of three hybrids. Dad gave me a week off because of what just happen not too long ago. Today is my final day off so we went to the park to spent some more time together.

"You ready, princess?" jin call out

Oh, another thing, the boys took it upon themselves to give me pet names and they claim that there's no need for a reason to have pet names. I didn't want to question them cause I rather not have a fight about just a name.

"I'm done," I shouted

I slowly made my way down and as soon as I got down safely , I'm already in the arms of jimin who seem to be eager.

"I miss you, baby girl," jimin sighed as he muzzled his nose to my neck

"I wasn't gone for that long and besides, I was just upstairs," I told him

I realise that jimin is more on the clinging side in this relationship. While Jin, is more on the caring side. As for Jungkook, he is more on the protective side. This is my life while living with three hybrids.

"Lets get a move on,"jin said as he make his way out the door

My house to the park is just a walking distance so it's not too far nor near either. We finally made it to the park after a while of walking. The park was lively with all the sounds of laughter and screams of children. Quiet chatter can also be heard with the sounds of birds chirping in the distance as well. We made our way under a tree for shade and I as usual sat on jin's lap cause the boys claim that I shouldn't be sitting on the cold hard ground but instead on their soft laps. They said it and not me.


It's been two hours since we've been in the park. Jimin and jungkook were running around the park to let off some of their energy which I have no idea where's it coming from.

"Jin, aren't you going to join them?"I ask him as I notice that he didn't let me off his lap

"And, to leave you all alone. No way, how about you get some sl---" jin was cut off by a shout from a distance


A panther? Panthers are rare to see as a stray or even here because mostly they are from jungles. I look up at jin and he just shrug. I look forward and spot a black blur coming at me. Before jin could even protect me, I was suddenly grabbed.

"Ahhh!!!!!" I scream as I felt my body being lifted up and dragged away


"THAT'S JUILET!!!" I think I heard Jackson's voice coming from the distance

The panther was moving at a fast alarming speed and I don't even know if jin, jungkook and jimin are even behind us until we hit a very hard wall. I look up and spot a very familiar dragon.

"Calm down, alpha mate. I know she's your little one but she's ours too," I heard him voiced out trying to calm a wild panther

"Juilet, keep calm and don't move. He just went feral. He's been in the wild for quite sometime now, I assume . He just needs to adjust to you for a while," jimin said softly

I nodded my head, slowly. The panther soon stop growling at them as jin and jungkook touched his shoulders. He slowly calm down a little but still kept an eye out on Jackson.

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