♡ Heat problem♡

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Juilet's pov:

Snuggling with a bunch of hybrids is nice and comfortable but when one of them is suddenly growling onto your face its actually not.

"GUYS!!! DO SOMETHING!!!" I yelled from under a growling taehyung

"Right, so we didn't keep track on taehyung's rut season at all or even may be Juliet's heat season too..." jin said, thoughtfully

"HEAT?!? RUT?!?" I question them as I continue to struggle under him

God, how heavy can this boy be? I swear for a lion, damn can he be heavy...

"Mine," he growl as he tighten his grip on me

"Calm down, juilet. We did say it's possibility that this would happen to anyone of us but we should have keep track though," kookie point out

"Whatever you guys decide on, make it quick. I don't know how much longer I can last under him," I whine as I try to push him away again

He's still growling as he try to kiss me and this is not how I wanted my first time to happen. Someone save me!!! I'm not ready yet...

"Right, yoongi use your powers and drag taehyung out of the room. Since today will be jin and jungkook's turn to room with Juliet. They can protect her from taehyung for the time being," namjoon plan out

The boys nodded their heads. With that, Yoongi begin to stare at taehyung and I could see taehyung's shadow slowly following yoongi's lead which happens to also drags a growling taehyung out of the room.

"We'll get heat suppressant for him. Jin and kookie take care of her," namjoon said

The rest of the boys walk out of my room which gave the other two opportunity to snuggle closer to me.

"We should spent a whole day together to distract you from taehyung's heat or what we like to call it a rut," jin suggest

"I don't mind but what can we do?" I ask

"Well, we can't the leave the house for the time being. Let's binge watch dramas," Jin cheered

"We can also play games together while the boys handle taehyung," kookie suggest

"Sounds like a plan. Let's do it,"I said as we got off the bed

Jimin's pov:

"Taehyung, calm down. You don't want to hurt, baby girl. Do you?" I ask him as he place his hands on the bedpost

"No," he growl

"Good so take a deep breath and calm yourself down. For the time being until your rut is done, just try to ignore kitten's scent is all," yoongi advice

Taehyung is currently tied up on the bed in one of the downstairs spare bedroom that the house has. We figured that it is the furthest place from juilet's bedroom which was upstairs to the right of the living room.

"I have the pills," hobi exclaim once he enter the room with namjoon following in

"Juilet's dad said that we should just give him two pills and he'll be fine until the next day," namjoon explain

I nodded my head and grab the pill bottle as well as a cup of water from hobi. I approach taehyung with the pills and water to help him swallow the pills.

"Alright, Let's get them into your system," I said

I place the pills in his mouth as I gave him water to swallow it.

"Thanks guys," taehyung thank as he smiled at us

"No problem buddy. We'll stay here to keep you company until your rut is over. I'm sure jin and jungkook have something fun plan out to do with butterfly," hobi said

"Hobi's right. We can entertain each other too until this rut is over which will be in two days," I said

"If that's the case, I'm gonna nap a little," yoongi said as he lay down on the sofa across from us to sleep

"Aish that hyung. I wonder what we could play with taehyung all tied up?" I question

"We could play charades," hobi suggest

"Great idea. I'll be the MC. Jimin and Taehyung can be in one group while the other group could be hobi and suga,"namjoon said

"That's a great idea. C'mon suga. You're in my team," hobi said as he try to wake up yoongi

This will be fun. Possibly?

Jungkook's pov:

"Alright, breakfast is serve," jin said as he placed pancakes in front of us

"Thanks jin. Couldn't have done this without you. I just realise. Have any of you seen my dad?" Juilet ask

"Oh, your dad left to go to work. I'm sure he'll be back soon. He said he had some business to attend to regarding the children in the centre," jin explain to her as he fed her

"I thought he would have join us," juilet said,a little bit upset

"He was here a little an hour ago to give the boys taehyung's suppressant," I said

"Well, at least he stayed for a while before leaving for work again," juilet said, pouting

"Is there something wrong?" Jin ask, concern

"Its nothing. I'm gonna go to my room,"juilet said as she left the dinning room

"Juilet...wait...you're not suppose to-" jin inferior before I could continue

"Leave her be,kook. She needs to be alone. Let's prepare the living room until she comes back to join us," jin suggest

I nodded my head as I watch her figure head upstairs. Probably to her bedroom to find peace.

Juilet's pov:

"I miss you mum," I sob a little as I stare at the family picture of me and my mum

Before the whole accident, dad will always try to skip work just so he could be with us. After the accident, dad stop trying to be here as much but he still made effort to be there when I need him. Some may not see it but I do. He's still hurting ever since mum died. I hope one day, I'll be able to tell the boys about my past but not today. I take a deep breath and place the picture frame back as I made my way downstairs again.

No one's pov:

"She's an interesting one. Find out more about her family,"

"YES SIR!!!"

Well, crown Prince I have finally found you and your little one after all this years. I guess its time for the plan to take action back at hybrid island...


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