♡History lesson♡

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Juilet's pov:

"How's namjoon?" He ask

"He's doing well," I said

"He seem to have also mated you as his. That boy seem to have follow my great grandson pretty well," the king laughed

Surprised that namjoon followed his dad but I wonder how the boys will react. I seem to be forgetting someone...

"Took you long enough," a familiar voiced huffed

We approach a room that looks similar to a living room so this is where the king stays. There I spot woozi drinking tea on one of the couches.

"Woozi, I totally didn't forget about you," I smiled, sheepishly

"Yeah sure," he said as he rolled his eyes

Sheesh, woozi almost behave like yoongi but I don't think that they're twins although they seem to almost look alike. I shouldn't dwell on that.

"Have a seat and drink some tea. I'll be with you both soon," the king said as he walk through another door

I smile gratefully at the king as I watch him leaving. I quickly sat next to woozi.

"How did you make it here?" I ask him as he followed us

"After we split, I came across this room and also stumbled upon the first king. He explained to me what you were doing and that the decision is all meant to be made by you. While you're making the toughest decision of your life, I was here drinking tea while talking to the king," woozi explain

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn't know that the decision would take long," I apologise

"You have nothing to apologise for my dear. This is because its your destiny. You are the chosen one," the king said as he came into the room holding a big book

"What's that your carrying your majesty?" I ask

"Oh, this is the book of hybrid history. Come gather around," the king invite

"I haven't seen that book in ages. Its been here all this time?" Woozi questioned

"Yes it has and now let me explain to you about the golden hybrids and the shadow hybrids...

The golden hybrids are known as heros in the hybrid island. They are are not the typical hybrids that you see around here. Golden hybrids like what the name suggests the fur of the hybrid turns into gold once they figure out they're true purpose in life. The golden hybrids are said to be angels that will save the island from the shadow hybrids. They were created by me as an act to save all hybrids. Only the golden hybrids and the chosen one is able to restore the island to its former glory....

Golden hybrids are a rare breed and I know my son is one of them," the king explain

"But that doesn't explain why am I the chosen one," I said

"It does. Remember the choices that I ask for you to decide but you chose none of them. There's something that is waiting for you back there," the King smiled softly at me

I got up from where I'm seated and I ran to where I had to make the decision. Within the void, a sword lies on it with my name on it. Wait...I'm given a sword. That is so cool.

"How is this fair? She receives a sword and its a cool one at that," woozi said as he pout

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"How is this fair? She receives a sword and its a cool one at that," woozi said as he pout

"She's the chosen one. She needs to protect her mates as well as curing the shadow hybrids," the king said

"Come again?" I ask as I turn around after grabing the sword

The sword feels light as I hold it but I've never use a sword before. I guess I need some training too.

"Right. I forgot about that small detail. That sword has an ability to cure the shadow hybrids and return them to their original form. All you need to do is aim at their hearts but for you to end it all is if you end their Kings," the king said

"Kings? There are two," I questioned

"Didn't you know about it? You met them already," the king said

"I'm sorry my king. I sometimes feel that she's too oblivious for the world," woozi said

"Hey, that was mean and who are they?" I ask, slightly offended after woozi's comment

"Vernon and Joshua,"the king said

"Wait...what??? How? I only met Joshua at the fighting ring but vernon. Wait...is he a hybrid or a human?" I ask

"He could be both for all we know. He has the power of illusion. Didn't your mates inform of you that?" The king question

"Apparently they haven't considering that she looked shock," woozi laughed

Rude of him but namjoon, will recieve a hearing from me.

"Well, you both don't have much time left mostly juilet. Now, I need you to use that sword on woozi," the king said

"Wait...what?!?" Woozi said, alarmed

Ooo, I like that idea very much. Woozi look at me alarmed as he notice a smirk growing on my face.

"Dont worry woozi. The sword won't hurt you but it will however change your soul. It'll only stings a little. Anyway, juilet why don't you pierce the sword through woozi," the king said

"With pleasure. Now, stay still woozi," I smirk a little as I aim the sword at him

I could see him sweat a little as I aim the sword right at where he's heart is. Oh, I enjoy this very much. Woozi squeeze his eyes close as I pierce through his heart. I gasp a little as a bright light blinded me. I almost drop the sword but I tighten my hold on it.

"It work. Woozi, you can open your eyes now. Your fur is not black anymore," the king said, happily

"It isn't?" He ask as he open his eyes slowly

"Nope," I said, smiling at him

"You're so lucky that I'm not dead but thanks," he said

"Not a problem," I said as I help him up

"As cute as this is. You both need to leave. Juilet, you're disappearing. Quick, go into that portal and save the island," the king said

He proceed to push us into the portal as he gave us a quick goodbye. Wait...where is this portal sending us?

"Cub?" I heard namjoon voice question


I guess we're back at the cave then. Wait...the sword come through the portal.

"Ouch, who's sword is this?" I heard jinyoung groan

I smile sheepishly at him as I watch him rub his head.

"I'm assuming that this is yours," jinyoung said as he hand me the sword

"Yeah..." I said as I took it from him

"Killer sword but who gave it to you?" Mingyu ask

"That is exactly what I wanted to know," namjoon ask as I stare down at me and woozi

I guess this day is not over but we are close to ending this war.


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