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Juilet's pov:

I kept walking and walking, that's when I came across three mirrors. I feel like I'm in one of those typical movies where the main character have to choose a decision that will decide the fate of the worlds. Of all things, a mirror would be a perfect tool for the job.

"Okay...whats going on?" I ask out loud

"Welcome princess juilet, to the chamber of desires," a voice said

"Chambers of desires?" I questioned

"Yes, here lies your deepest desire in your heart. Pick the right mirror and the answer will reveal itself," the voice explain

Sounds easy enough. Just pick the right mirror and I'll receive the answers. Piece of cake.

"Mirrors reveal yourself," the voice command

I gasped as each mirror started to morph. One by one. This is so cool and strange at the same time. I walk up to the first mirror and I gasp as I look at the image of the boys playing together with me but one thing I see is that I have a bump. I'M GOING TO BE PREGNANT!!! Soon the mirror morph to the image of the boys smiling with the word love showing at the bottom.

 I'M GOING TO BE PREGNANT!!! Soon the mirror morph to the image of the boys smiling with the word love showing at the bottom

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(What it looks like)

"Is your desire to be with your mates and have children only?" The voice ask

It seems lovely and everyone seem to be happy too but is that what I really want. I have to see the other two before I make a decision first.

"Let me see the other two," I decide

"Of course, princess," the voice said

You know I should really get used to the title.

"Yes, you should," the voice said

"You can read my mind!!!" I gasp in shock

"Yes, of course I can. Now, you don't have to tell me. I already know you wanted to see the other two. Let me show you," the voice said

One, that was creepy and two, I should be wary what I think about now. I continue to look at the second mirror to see it morph into my mother. Wait...what. I could see her smiling and laughing away as she watches my dad chasing after a little girl who's laughing too. Wait a minute that little girl is me. Soon the mirror morph into a picture of my family and of course, the family is at the bottom of the picture.

 Soon the mirror morph into a picture of my family and of course, the family is at the bottom of the picture

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(The accuracy of the family may not be right but you get the idea)

"I'm assuming one of desires is my family to be together again," I said

"Yes," the voice agreed

"Thought so," I sigh

The next mirror morph into the hybrid kingdom and it seem to be restored to its formal glory. The boys are by my side with my dad as I'm being crown. Wait...its that a sword? Then the mirror morph to a tiara with the word royal at the bottom of it.

its that a sword? Then the mirror morph to a tiara with the word royal at the bottom of it

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(What she see)

This mirror seem right to be but is this what I really want? I hate the fame and all but the boys seem proud and dad too. What am I talking about? This is wrong but I have to choose one of the three. My loves or being able to see my mum again but forget about my mates or receiving a title for got no knows what while making my mates and dad proud.

"Have you made your decision?" The voice ask

"I'm sorry but I can't choose any of these three. As much as I love to be with my mates for all eternity and have children with them but its not right as they have a role to play in this kingdom. I can't pick my family either as much as I love to see my mum again but I want to be with my mates too and its not right for me to mess with history too. Lastly, earning a royal title means nothing to me as anyone with the will power would the same thing as I did. Overall, I'm sorry that I couldn't decide but thats my decision. These may be my desires but in my heart, I know that its a selfish desire." I explain

I waited for a while as the voice have yet to voice out his opinion. Did I say something wrong? I probably did. After a while, he finally replied.

"Oh, what is your decision?" The voice finally ask

"I decide to do the right thing and that is to save the island. To at least provide the future generations a better home," I said with determination

"Congratulations, you have succeed the test," the voiced applauded

"Test? What test?" I questioned

Suddenly the mirrors all disappeared and it was replaced by my MUM!!!

"Mum? That was you???" I ask, shock

"Yes, honey. It was me. I've been watching you ever since I left you both and when I heard that you have to make an important decision, I had ask if I could be the one to test you. You passed, honey," mum said, proudness brimming in her eyes

"I...I...I don't know what to say," I said, confuse as ever

"Your mother is right. You have passed. You didn't want the eternity love or your family love or even the royal title. You have proved your worth to be the saviour of the kingdom. The answers have been with you since day one," the first king said as he finally revealed himself

"Since you're the first king? You must be..." I said, thinking

"I'm namjoon's great great grandfather. Its lovely to meet you. I wish we could have meet in different circumstances but this will have to do. Now, follow me to learn more about the golden hybrids," he said as he walk to a long corridor

"You should follow, honey," mum said

"Will I ever see you again?" I ask

"I'm afraid not but I will always be in your heart. I love you, honey," mum said as she vanish

"I love you too," I whisper

"You coming?" The king ask as he turn around

"Oh, yes," I said as I run towards him

History of the golden hybrids here I come and let's hope it has the answers to end this madness...

If you were juilet, which of the three option would you choose? Do you think that she made a right decision or should she have choose one of the option?

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