♡The storm is coming♡

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I feel like the villain don't have their own solo chapter so here we are. A little chapter about Vernon and Joshua's plan. Hope you guys like it.

Also, happy birthday to taehyung.

I also just realise its been a year since I started this book. Thanks for all the votes and views.


Vernon's pov:

"Ugh, how much more longer do we need to wait? I feel like I almost growing a beard here" Joshua complain as he glare at me a little

"In two days, they'll arrive and we'll get a jump on them. They won't even be able to see it coming and their little mate would be yours to play with," I cackle as I look at him

"Honey, I don't think its nice of you to do that. Juilet is my friend and I don't appreciate you using my friend either joshua," Lisa said as she point a finger at him

"You watch yourself. You're lucky that you're my brother's mate if you weren't, I would have you dead by now," Joshua smirk

"Don't you even think about it. My love, I must do it. I can't allow those hybrids to take over our land. If you don't want to take part then I suggest you sit still and look pretty for me or if not I could just change you into a hybrid," I said as I make her sit on her throne

"Joshua, strap her down," I said as I walk away from them

"Vernon, you can't do this to me. I'm your mate," I hear Lisa yelled

"I'm sorry, darling. This is for your own good," I said as I slam the door shut

Joshua's pov:

"Aww, is the poor human upset. Don't worry. I'll make it less uncomfortable for you.  Seat tight," I grin, wickedly


After making sure that the vines tighten their hold on Lisa and make sure it keeps her mouth shut, I left the room. Smiling as I can hear screaming through the gag, assuming that she wants to be let out. Ha, not a chance.

"Bro, its sad that you have mate that is a human. You gave a brilliant suggestion back there. Just turn her into a hybrid," I huffed as I approach my brother who's staring over the island

"I love Lisa with all my heart but I sometimes wonder what is like to have her as a hybrid. We could turn her into a hybrid," he sigh

"I thought malik is already making a potion that will make Lisa turn into hybrid,"I said

"Yeah he is but he said it may take a while. I'm not too sure if I could do this to her. Its like stripping her of herself," he sigh, having second thoughts

"Think of it this way. If she become a hybrid, she can help you with this war and you both can bear children together like you wanted," I said

Although, by turning her into a hybrid would immediately turn her feral or the possibility of her death. In the end, she would eventually die anyway but Vernon doesn't need to know about that.

"Yeah, you're right,"he sigh

Good, he believe me for now. Won't be long before he questions my loyalty to him. Once his mate is out of the way, he would finally be able to show his true potential to the world. We would be able to rule the world together as brothers and that crown prince mate will be mine to play with.

"Sirs, I came bearing bad news," our servant said as he came into the room

"What is it?" Vernon asked, annoyed

"Umm...a human was spotted at the nest of shadow valley,"he said

"What?!?!?" We scream

"How is that possible? No human should have access to the valley ever since we put a spell on it..." I said

"That should be the case but a force had grant her entry into the valley," our servant say, nervously

"What force is powerful enough to sent a human through?" Vernon ask in wonder

"Juilet's mother," our servant said, trembling

"What are you talking about? She's just a human. She's nothing," Vernon growled

"She's an angel descendent," our servant said

Thats all we needed to know. We're doom as always. With juilet being part angel, nothing can stop her.

"Is that human aware of her mother's counterparts?" I ask

"Fortunately, no," our servant said

"That's good. You're dismissed," Vernon said

Our servant bowed and quickly left the room.

"Change of plans. Kill the girl," Vernon growled as he smash a table

"Kill her? What about using her?" I questioned

"There's no point of using her if she had a chance to unlock her angel side," Vernon growled

"Alright, fine. How do you suppose we kill her? Those hybrids of hers are always watching her like a hawk," I said

"They're in the island as we speak considering . All we have to do is lure them out by threatening their mate and simply weaken those hybrids. Once they're weaken, they would not have the energy to save their precious mate. We'll make them watch us kill their mate right in front of their own eyes," Vernon cackle

"Great plan, brother. When are we going to  initiate the plan?" I ask




Oh dear, things are getting heated up and the book is about to end soon. Worry not, I have other story ideas in store for you. I want to do a Q&A session if you guys want. If you have any burning questions for the characters in the book or even me, here's a chance for you to ask (I'll post a chapter about answering these questions in about three weeks):










10)Juilet's dad




14)The first king





18)Juilet's mom

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