♧Finally Completed♧

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Juilet's pov:

I woke up to the overwhelming heat surrounding me as a certain two pairs of arms tighten their hold on me.

"Taehyung, jimin, let go of me. I need to go get ready for work. Jimin, you're already following me to work with jungkook so you're spending time with me more than taehyung," I pointed out as I continue struggling in their hold

"I know, baby girl but you're so cuddly right now," jimin sigh

"I agree," taehyung mumbled into my neck

"Quit it boys. You'll get to cuddle her after she's done with her work or else I'll whoop your asses," jin calls out to them as he enter the room

I got up from my bed as the two of them immediately let go of me while pouting at jin.

"Thanks jin. I love you so much," I exclaim as I kiss his cheek while running to my bathroom after getting my clothes...of course




The two culprit boys banged harshly on my door, trying to get me to come out from my bathroom.

"JUILET!!! THIS ISN'T OVER!!! WE WANT A KISS TOO!!!" they yell out as soon as they realise that I won't answer to them

I just laughed at their misery and told myself that after my shower, I'll kiss them.After getting ready, I make my way downstairs. The two boys of course left already since all the boys were already at the dining table with the food barely touched.

"How come you guys didn't eat, yet?" I ask as I sat in-between suga and jimin

"We didn't want to start eating before you get here. We want to make sure that our little kitten is eating well," suga said as he place the food on my plate

"You both better not feed me. I'm very much capable feeding myself," I state as I stare at them

"Alright baby girl. We both won't but jungkook will," jimin said, smugly

"Wait...wh---!!" I shriek as I'm carried by a muscle bunny

Jungkook sat down first before placing me on his lap while suga place my plate in front of me, smirking as well. I can't believe these boys. I swear they plan it.

"If they can't, I will," jungkook said, happily as he fed me

"Kookie, you have to eat too. Not just me," I said as I try to convince him

"Nice try, I'll feed you first then after jin finish eating, he'll feed you then I'll eat," kookie explain the plan

I could only sigh as there's no hope with these alphas. The others were just smirking at me as they knew that I realise that they will just keep doing this, no matter what I say.

"Morning sweetheart and boys, I'm heading for work now. I'll have breakfast at work so don't worry. Get to work safely,sweetheart" dad greet as he left but before leaving he place a kiss on my forehead

I can tell that my dad is absolutely enjoying my torture since he was smiling at me as he walk out of the house.


After breakfast; jimin, jungkook and I start to make our way to the hybrid centre.

"Morning Jackson, what am I doing today?" I ask him as soon as I reach him

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