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Namjoon's pov:

"I can do This,"

"I can't do This..."

"No, I can do This!!"

"Of course I can,"


"Huh? Oh hi jin," I smile, nervously

"Namjoon, I've been calling you for the past 10 minutes now. It's time for dinner. Anyways, you've been thinking about that news, haven't you?" Jin said as we walk out of the room

After the call, I did told him about how I felt whether I'm going to tell juilet and her dad about the news. But once both of them sleep after dinner, we need to discuss about my dad's behaviour. Something is not right or familiar about dad.

"Yeah...What am I suppose to say to juilet and her dad about the move? They'll be devastated. This is their childhood home," I sighed

"I know it's a tough decision but I know they'll be happy. I'm sure her dad will understand the situation," he reassured

"What will my dad won't understand?" Juilet ask, carrying a side dish to the table

"Oh nothing, little pup," I smiled at her

"Okay then. I'm gonna go wake up yoongi," juilet said as she left the room

"That was a close one. I don't want to make her upset before waking up suga. I don't want to be murdered just yet," I sighed as I sat down

"I'm sure yoongi won't be that mad but to be safe, I'm glad you never expose anything yet," jin teased

"You bet," I laughed as I sat down at the dinning table

Juilet's pov:

"Suga...wakey, time for dinner," I coo as I gently shake him awake

Of course, I knew he was awake for the entire time since he had lifted me from the ground and already carrying me to the dinning room.

"I swear you'll shall be the only person that will wake me," yoongi said as he slowly make his way downstairs

"Oh c'mon, yoongi. You love how we wake you up," jimin tease as he and Taehyung appear out of no where

Where did they come from? I swear they weren't behind us just now.

"If that's what you call wake up then I hate to see you waking up without your eyebrows," yoongi threaten

I giggle as jimin and taehyung gasp while hiding their eyebrows from a smirking yoongi.

"Give me the little one before anyone plan to shave anybodies eyebrows," hobi said as he took me from yoongi's arms

"Alright, Let's have a normal dinner before things get weird," dad said as he enter the room


After dinner, I was helping taehyung washing up the plates as the rest of the boys and my dad sat at the living room.

"Hey taehyung, do you know what namjoon wanted to say?" I ask him

"Not sure little cub but we'll find out soon enough," taehyung said, smiling

"Oh okay then. We're done here," I told him as I put away the last plate to the dish rack

"Let's go listen to namjoon's news," taehyung said as he drag me there

"Now, that everyone is here. This news is important for the both of you. This may come as a shock but all of us need to go to hybrid island," namjoon said

"Hybrid island? Where is that?" I question

"It's in the middle of the Pacific ocean but it's hidden from the human view. Only hybrids and their little one can see the island," jinyoung explain

"Alright but why do we need to move there?" My dad ask

"Well, my dad had request to see the both of you as well as giving you the protection that you both need," namjoon explain

"What about my job?" He ask

"Well, I'm not too sure about that but I think you need to find someone to replace you for the time being," namjoon suggest

"Oh, I know. Jackson can replace you. He's good with the hybrids and bambam can help out too," I remind him

"Bambam is still studying abroad to become a vet and although, I trust jackson, he needs someone to watch over him" dad point out

"If bambam is still studying abroad then that leaves calling Mark," I said

"Wait who's bambam and Mark?" Jin ask

"Mark is my cousin. He sometimes works at the centre when he's free from he's investigating duties. Bambam is Jackson's cousin who at times is full of life but he's studying abroad to become a vet as I mention," I explain

"Well, you two have great candidates there to replace you," kookie said

"Fine, I'll give mark a call but don't think I'll be happy with the move," dad said as he left the room

" Its okay, namjoon. My dad's not mad," I reassure him

"But why does he sound upset?" Namjoon ask, his ears are already laying flat on his head

" It's just that you're basically telling him to leave the house where all his favourite memories are kept. Not only his but mine too. This is a big deal. He would love to see the island but this is our home too," I explain as I too got out from my seat in search for my dad

Namjoon's pov:

"Well, that could have been worst?" Yoongi said, shrugging

"How much worst could it be?" I whine

"They could straight away reject and kick us out so they could never see us," taehyung said

That just made me feel ten times as worst. He's right that could be way worst.


"What? Oh...sorry namjoon," he apologise

"Its fine but at least they're aren't rejecting it," I said

"They may not reject it but they're still upset. We have to do something," jimin said

"What do you think we should be doing, jimin?" Suga ask

"We could do a photo book where they can see all the pictures of their childhood home and this home can be vacation house for us. That way, they don't need to sell their house," jimin suggest

"Not a bad idea. We'll do that tomorrow. Namjoon, how much time do we have left before heading to hybrid island?" Jin ask

"My dad never really say when we're suppose to be there so we'll give them a week before moving," I said

"Great. Jimin,taehyung and jungkook, you three on scrap book duty. Hobi, you join them as well. While yoongi and I try to find a way to make both of them see that hybrid island is the safest place to be. Namjoon and jinyoung, you both figure out a way for us to get there safely," jin plan

"That's a great plan. Now, namjoon. You said you also want to tell us something," suga point out

"Yeah, it's about my dad..."

Here's an update for you guys cause its my birthday today so why not update for you guys.

The next update will be soon. Hope you guys enjoy the book so far. Its still a long before the end of the story so hold on to tide because things are about to go down.

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