"Lauren, I think I'm going to have a panic attack."

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Lauren woke up from the sofa with her head pounding. It took her moment until she focused and remembered what happened last night.

Last night.

She got up to grab her phone a saw a note with Melissa familiar neat handwriting.


I have already packed my stuff and headed out. I got up around 5:00 in the morning... I couldn't sleep. I had a fun with our last time... I'm going to miss it... like a lot, but That's not all I'm going to miss. I'm going to miss our times together when we would go out or even watch movies. When we use to cook together and not go to the diner every time. We lost our spark but like I said, I'm still going to be here. As friends. If you need to call me I'm just a phone call away. Please take care of yourself. I love you.


Melissa Ximena Ali-Darllo

Lauren closed her eyes for a second to let everything sink in that they were over. They had so many fights and ups and downs. She sighed and walked to her refrigerator to put the note on the fridge. She went and freshened up herself took a refreshing shower and got dressed and drove straight to the diner. She parked her car and frowned when she saw Camila out looking down at a packaged.

She decided to take seat next to her and smiled. "You okay?" She asked rubbing her back for some comfort.

"Yeah..." She smiled heartbroken. She slowly stopped smiling when she looked deep into Lauren's magnificent eyes, as it reflect beauty especially from the sun shining on them. "No I'm not." Camila whispered bursting out into tears.

Lauren immediately went in for a hug. She didn't know why she was crying... she supposes that it has to do with college maybe? She understands that It's fucking hard so she wouldn't judge. She let go of the hug to stare into Camila's doe brown eyes. She looked down into the other woman's hand to see a morning-after pill package in her hand. "Is.. is that why our crying?' Lauren asked in a soft tone. "Do... do you think your pregnant?"

Camila just shrugged softly " I haven't taken it yet.." She explained.

Lauren frowned. "Um... Do you wanna get pregnant?" Lauren was genuinely confused. "Not by me I didn't- wait no you don't know that- I-"

Camila turned, looked at her for a whole second and just giggled. "Gosh your stupid." She laughed gawking at her. "Your a woman you doofus."

"I... that's another conversation but how come you haven't taking it?" Lauren asked changing the subject.

"It's just they're probably not even effective as much. They were fucking cheap as fuck so I don't trust them.... I told him I wasn't in the mood.. he was drunk" Camila spoke with fear.

"Your boyfriend?" Lauren asked. She was full of anger. Sure they just met yesterday but she's one of the most supportive people especially towards women. She will not stand in silence for anyone who had to go through that.

Camila nodded. "But please don't tell anyone... I don't need trouble right now."

"I... Uh won't." Lauren tried her best to lie "C'mon,"lauren announced helping Camila up from the bench.

"Wait I have work in 10 minutes though. I can't be late I just got this job." Camila protested. " It's okay Lauren this whole thing was just a misunderstanding I'm fine-"

"Camila I'm not going to judge you. We're just going to go get the morning after pills, I'll pay for them. I'm also going to get pills for you incase he does this again" Lauren spoke affectionately.

Camila felt guilty as ever. Why did she even speak to Lauren about this? "No no no Lauren you have already driven me home I can't keep ask...Lauren, I think I'm going to have a panic attack.

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